So me and my girlfriend recently broke up because she has a lot going on in her life. We’ve still stayed good friends, even are still kissing and all. Her parents are going through a divorce so that’s the main reason we broke up. So I’ve asked before and I asked last night if she saw us getting back together later down the line when everything clears up for her and her family. She never has answered yes, it’s always she doesn’t know what to say because the fact of everything going on in her life. I’ve shared my feeling with her and told her I would wait for her until she’s ready but I feel like her not answering is an answer in and of it’s own. I really do love her I just don’t know at this point. I feel like I shouldn’t move on but maybe I should?

  1. So basically she dumped you because tough things were happening in life. And now she’s reaping the benefits of a relationship while keeping you as a friend.

    The summary of this is that your girlfriend sees her parents lack of commitment. And is lashing out at you subconsciously by also having a lack of commitment. No you shouldn’t wait for somebody who is doing this.

    A mature person would just acknowledge the bad things happen in life. And that when you feel overwhelmed you don’t push people away. You go get help and you face those with the people who have your back.

  2. Don’t wait for her. She broke up with you because her parents are getting divorced. Their relationship has nothing to do with you two.

    Sounds more like she’s not ready for a relationship. Stop kissing her, sleeping with her etc. You’re not together anymore. If you don’t, you won’t be able to move on and find someone else who is ready for a relationship.

    The first heartbreak is really hard. You think you’ll never get over them and that you’ll never love anyone else. The thing is, you will get over them and you will love someone else. It takes time to heal. We’ve all been through it.

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