I have ROCD (Relationship OCD) and have a hangup about getting my girlfriend pregnant if we had penetrative sex. She is on birth control and I would use a condom. We would also time it to be when she’s least likely to be fertile and I would pull out. We’ve discussed what would happen if she got pregnant, and she said she is unsure what she would do – however many things she has said have convinced me she would likely keep it. I am ambivalent about our relationship at the moment and I panic at the thought of being tied to her for 20 or so years if she were to get pregnant accidentally. Am I reasonable not to want to have sex to not risk getting her pregnant?

  1. Totally reasonable. A pregnancy will attach you to the child for life. And it will also attach you to the mother, at least financially through a child support agreement, for 18 years.

    If all this is too much for you to handle, it’s totally ok to say no. That’s the responsible thing to do, the last thing we need in this world are more dead beat dads.

  2. I will say that you’ve described like 4 different birth control methods combined which puts your chances of pregnancy very low like one in 10 thousand. Consider that.

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