I am f18 , my boyfriend is m22 . We’ve been dating for 8 month now. I love him and he loves me too. He’s been a comfort character of mine. I appreciate him and respect him alot. Since past few months he’s been going through a bad time. He lives in a toxic household and he has his privacy taken and his dad literally put on camera on they’re house after his mom died. He’s in a situation rn where cannot talk with me freely or cannot talk with at all . We don’t talk much neither see each other much anymore now. At the beginning of relationship everything was parfect. We had really good time and he made me blush but now we don’t talk much . I understand his situation but I don’t feel like texting him anymore because I know he won’t reply fast or won’t reply at all. I just don’t like him anymore. But I feel like I love him or I have something for him , how can I leave him knowing he only has me in this world. But I feel like he gave up on me . I live with my step father and his son . My mom is getting old . I don’t have anyone to watch my back if my mom dies . My mom and I get humiliated everyday but we don’t have a place to go neither I do . I don’t what I have done wrong to be born like this and have this life but my boyfriend was one good thing that happened to me and now it’s not helping me anymore, I don’t know what to do . I feel like crying my heart out. I have started to feel suicidal, I don’t know what I can do . I can’t help my boyfriend either.

1 comment
  1. Deciding to break up with someone is usually a hard a decision. You’re on the cusp of adulthood and it can be difficult and scary to make these big decisions on your own because it might be the wrong decision. But you know what? That’s okay. That’s part of being a young adult. This it the time to make mistakes and learn from them. So I recommend that you trust your gut on this one. If you have a hard time deciding, a cool trick you can do is to give yourself a deadline to make the final decision. Up until the deadline you want to think about this a lot and try to gather as much relevant information as you can. Once the deadline hits, you make a decision come hell or high water. Then you evaluate later if it was the right decision. This is how you become a functioning adult who can make their own decisions in life. It’s a bad habit if you always defer to others to tell you what to do. That will prevent you from developing fully into adulthood, and it will prevent you from having control over your own life.

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