What Advice Would You Most Like to Give to Women?

  1. Dry wines should not be paired with dessert. The sugar in the dessert will overpower the flavors in the wine. Desserts should be paired with dessert wines.

  2. Please don’t go to the gym in shorts so tight that when you squat you can see the wrinkles in your butthole.

    I’m just trying to workout and fight these demons, but these chicks are trying to find ‘daddy” and I ain’t him. Don’t tell me it’s comfortable, you’re full of shit I’ve had wedgies before I know it’s not.

    I’m not staring, but if a dude rolled up in a leotard so tight I can tell if he’s circumcised, it’s like a train wreck, you can’t not look.

    I’ve never had someone try to do the new TikTok trend of “catching a guy staring” but I don’t even want to try to talk to you even if your deadlift form looks like a lumbar spine snapping, cat back, Ortho doctors dream. I watched you film it and I’ll let the internet teach you that lesson.

  3. Guys will happily sleep with women that they would never, ever commit to. Don’t confuse sexual attention with actual meaningful interest… And because of that, also never confuse the attention you get just from having pretty geometry for something from which you should derive self worth.

    In fact, we can take this whole strategy a step further; if you’re interested in a long term relationship with a guy, you should make sure he’s actually interested in you and doesn’t just want to sleep with you before you sleep with him… which can be complicated because if he knows that you’re sexually adventurous and quick to move, but are going slow with him, he might take offense and walk away… …because while he might know that you see long term potential, he won’t be at all excited about the idea that you don’t treat him as well as you’ve treated other men.

  4. 1) One pillow per customer is all that is required.

    2) Shower curtain design is not a crucial part of home decor.

  5. Get to the point. If something happened at work, tell me what happened at work, I don’t need the life stories of everyone involved, nor do I need to know who *wasn’t even there because they called in sick that day*.

    I had this exact situation with my absolute rockstar of a wife, among many, many others. That is literally her only flaw. She’s gotten much better after 23 years of marriage though, where she’ll sometimes get partway through a story and say “oh fuck I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” and then she’ll just get to the point.

  6. Transactional relationships are temporary & the things you’re relying upon as a form of payment is devaluing over time. Your attractiveness & promiscuosity means he lusts you for what you’re providing him in the moment and not that he loves you for who you are.

  7. If you want me around and at least friendly, do not be a existential threat to me drama free day.

  8. If we are in a relationship, I’m always going to trust you and your words. If you choose to lie to me and I find out, I will cut you off so fast it would leave a road burn. I’m going to always love you until you lie to me about important stuff. So you just gotta have a GOOD damn reason for lying. You would not understand how quickly I can straight up disappear, call me Danny Phantom.

  9. Be straight forward/direct.

    If he shows you he doesn’t care, stopping being around him trying to get his attention.

    Stop expecting or telling men to take you as you are.

    Stop using what you achieved as a functioning adult as a selling point when trying to attract the dude you want, it’s not that important to most men.

    Stop listening to your single girl friends, and stop hanging around your slutty friends, they’ll bring you down to their level to be miserable.

  10. Treat your partner the way the way you would want to be treated. Don’t put all the responsibly for romance and intimacy on them. Make them feel desired and loved.

  11. You probably got your ideas about how men are from other women. Those ideas are probably wrong because of that.

  12. Men are not mind readers. If you want us to do something or understand something, you need to tell us directly and rather blatantly so that we get the message.

    Just the other day, I was over at a friend’s house for a night of food and board games. One of my friends was reaching out with her hand making a gesture similar to Darth Vader’s Force choke. All of this was to insinuate to her husband that she wanted him to give her the cup of water she had left on the counter. The husband gave her the Gatorade bottle that was sitting next to the glass. It wasn’t until the wife told her husband what she wanted that he was able to correct himself and actually hand her the water.
    The girl in the dating relationship also expressed that she did that same Force choke gesture to her boyfriend, which rarely works for him since he has made it known that he hardly knows exactly what she wants when she does that to him.

    Ladies, please tell us what you want.

  13. Don’t immediately try to pat a dog’s head. Makes them nervous. Try scritching their chest first to build trust.

  14. If you like a guy then tell him because a lot of us are stupid and don’t get the hints or a bit scared of that we are getting the wrong idea, if you tell a guy I’m attracted to you the rest will fall into place

  15. If someone says you look good, saying “I know” makes you seem immature and insecure.

  16. Turning your computer and/or router off and on will fix 75% of your IT problems.

  17. Say what you want. We are not mind readers. Don’t get salty if we fail to read your mind.

  18. If I’m staring off into the distance or at nothing really at all. Chances are I’m not thinking about other women. 9 times out of 10 I am wondering if penguins have kneecaps.

  19. If u want a man, see one who catches ur interest, just go up to him and initiate the convo and ask him out yourself. Nothing is sexier than if YOU make the approach and YOU ask him out. It’s that easy.

  20. Your friends are giving you terrible advice about how men think and “actually mean.”
    9/10 times what a man says it’s what he actually mean. He’s not hinting or avoiding saying something out loud.

  21. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. And being present is 9/10ths of life. You want to maintain or improve anything? Be physically there, be mentally present, and be willing to put in the effort.

  22. There is no self-defense system that takes 1-6 classes to learn, and will actually teach you how to adequately defend yourself. Most short term self-defense seminars are useless. Either invest in learning something like BJJ long term, or buy an easy-to-use weapon you can carry.

  23. If he’s uncircumcised, tongue work is more important than suck work.

    If he’s circumcised, hand work is more important than tongue work.

  24. Don’t hurt future partners because of previous ones. Instead, reflect on yourself and make a selection that fits you better

  25. You need to start approaching men. Be clear and unambiguous. Women have made so many strides towards equality in the last 50 years but seem to still want to maintain the benefit of doing the picking instead of doing the approaching in relationships.

    We’ve gotten to a place where you now hold the tools to absolutely fucking crucify men for approaching badly – and some women use those tools far too broadly. As a result approaching as a man is rapidly not becoming worth the risk. Whereas the risk for a woman approaching a man is just hurt feelings. It’s your turn.

  26. Enthusiastic participation, ladies. That’s all we want. Your enthusiastic participation in our lives

  27. Be careful the power you hold to destroy a Man’s life & reputation in the workplace or public eye, if it can be solved by talking to said person, speak to them before going ahead and reporting your discomfort up the chain. As we’ve seen with Depp Vs Heard, it hurts both parties but men suffer the most.

  28. Don’t pressure a guy into revealing his deeper emotions, if you can’t handle it (and by ‘it’, I’m referring to things like crying). Be only there for him, let him you know you’re willing to listen, should he need to vent or express his vulnerability, and give him space and/or support if he needs to recover some composure, during or afterwards.

  29. You need to put in as much effort in the relationship as I do. Don’t expect me to do everything. It shows you don’t actually care as much as you think you do.

  30. Make your interest clear, don’t rely on silly things like holding my gaze or sitting slightly towards me or lightly touching my elbow.

    If you’re interested in a man, just come out and say it, don’t use code, because we never pick up on that.

  31. Say what you mean and mean what you say!

    Pick where you want to eat when we ask. We ask because we can find something at pretty much every restaurant.

    Compliment your significant others. Guys don’t get many compliments.

    Ask us out on dates/ plan dates too while in a relationship it’s exhausting being the only one to do these things.

    Initiate intimate times. It doesn’t have to be sex it can just be laying on your partners lap and playing with their hair or giving a massage.

    Tell us when something is wrong and if you want to talk about it or if you just want to rant.

  32. Give us the respect we are asked to give. For example, it is not appropriate to make comments regarding your body. And it isn’t appropriate to make disparaging comments about all women with a particular body type. Or share our preferences about that unprompted.

    So please refrain from this when it comes to our bodies – height is the most common example.

  33. Ask us what we’re comfortable sharing about our sex lives. Specially if things are sex positive and kink forward. Just because we are exploring with you doesn’t mean we want your friends to have a play by play of the journey.

  34. If we look sad or that we’re thinking and not positive, distracting us will work much better and more likely to get us to be open later than asking about what we’re sad or thinking about at the second.

    Distractions could be a weird conversation, games (video, board card you name it), physical touch (ask for consent first), suggesting food (don’t ask them what they want they probably won’t have a thought of what they want to eat if they want to eat). Anything that could distract them from a current thought, and it’s more likely to get them to be open about it later.

  35. You deserve love, respect and honesty.

    If you are getting those things then you owe them as well.

  36. Don’t chase men, not worth it. Get on your sigma female grindset and get that bag

  37. Avoid anyone who wants FWB. Some men are users and you don’t want to feel like an empty syringe on the dirty backstreet.

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