This has happened several times throughout my life. When meeting new people at a party, reunions or any type of situation.

For example:
There’s this person at a friend’s party, and usually what happens is that people that don’t know each other start talking a little bit to get to know each other right? Stuff like : “Oh.. so you went to the same highschool as the rest of us? random things like that.

Usually what happens later when we are already in a group setting is that this person will call me quiet, even though we just literally met each other and they didn’t really care much about engaging in conversation with m

Does this happen to any of you too?

1 comment
  1. Most people already have a preconcieved judgement of us when they meet us. Its not a you problem , they just decided they’re not interested to talk so they don’t pay attention to the conversation. A lot of the times people stick to it just for formality. Don’t take it personal and use your energy to talk to people that actual engage back. Goodluck! Happens to all of us

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