why do most of you drink or basically wanna escape from reality this often even when you aren’t into some real deep shit? what is it you just can’t handle? why always wanting to be high on something

  1. You’re not supposed to publicly and openly communicate with your other personalities.

  2. Its not the sudden impact of a rock hitting another rock that causes it to wear down. Sometimes its just the slow constant flow of water over it that wears it down

  3. Alcohol was always a way to hit the pause button on stressors.

    Work sucked, my exercise routine is shit, unhappy in a relationship, pause. Alcohol shut off that internal monologue of angst and doubt and disappointment.

  4. While I am not one of those who do, I can understand wanting a temporary escape from life’s potentially shitty circumstances.

    Rent grows out of control, costs grow out of control, work doesn’t pay enough to catch up.

    Family issues, medical issues, terrified of the future, terrified of the present, etc.

    People might not be “into some real deep shit” as you say, but we all have battles to fight. We don’t always have the best weapons to fight them and we work with what we’ve got.

  5. This reality blows goats, man. We get treated like products that work to buy other products, everyone has got an expectation of us all the time, society won’t even let us kill ourselves in peace, and everything in the media and culture tells us we’re not good enough unless we sacrifice more of our bodies and sanity to produce pointless shit for rich people who don’t need it. For some reason women now want to fulfill this role too, but no one has come up with anything else for us to do, so a lot of guys are losing whatever sense of pride they had around their sacrificial lifestyles. All we have left is to get laid, which unfortunately comes with a switch in our brains that makes us lonely after we do that for too long, so we trap ourselves with someone for “love” and end up right back in the sick cycle of sacrifice yet again, but this time our ability to get laid is tied to the whims of someone else.

    Honestly I’m surprised at how few western men commit suicide. Based on what I’ve seen the number should be way higher.

  6. I want to remove my inhibitions and have fun rather then act like my usual reserved self. I don’t need it to have fun, the same way a pie doesn’t need whipcream to make it delicious, it just makes it better.

  7. Most recently I got heavy into drinking (1 bottle of wine per day, sometimes 4 beers with that on weekends) and smoking weed in abundance. I drank and smoked together which was my thing, because it numbed me to the point where I didn’t feel any emotion.

    At the time I just felt like it was necessary. My mum was going through the most savage illness, and watching it happen in front of me was so traumatizing.

    I was a closet alcoholic/stoner. I didn’t want to show any emotions because my mum needed support, she was the main victim in all of this. I had to appear strong for her.

    But I was alone with it all. I knew what I was doing with these bad habits, but it just felt necessary. I couldn’t stand living in a sober mind, I was completely broken.

    The only solution was to drink and smoke enough to put my mind into a completely different space.

    Anyway, I don’t smoke weed anymore and my drinking has gone down significantly. I made these changes a few months after my mother passed. But hopefully this explains why people resort to drugs/drink, it just feels like the only way to feel anything good during really bad times.

  8. Because as a man there’s no one to talk to to relieve your stress unless his name is printed on a bottle.

  9. I’m not getting oxytocin, vasopressin or any of the other brain hormones, because I’m single, and women don’t view me as someone worth dating. But I do have a button in my brain that can give me dopamine.

    So, while I work on making myself good enough to earn love, to make up for the lack of other hormones my brain needs, I over-compensate with dopamine to feel something besides sad.

  10. This rigged society we currently live in that benefit’s the rich the most isn’t good for most humans mental health.

    Add in shit wages / poor healthcare/ shit education along with all the other shit us “ humans” aren’t meant to deal with as we are animals.

    Wanting or needing escape from this is beyond natural

  11. It seems to me, and I may be wrong, but it feels like the framing of this question is through one that views the use of alcohol, and or drugs, recreationally in a negative light.

    Life sucks, is that hard to understand for you? Drugs are not the only form of escapism, some people put on makeup, some people play video games some people go shopping when they know they shouldn’t.

  12. I mean I don’t do any drugs or alcohol because they give me panic attacks. But I get it. Life sucks for the majority of people. If I could just drink a potion and become carefree and feel alive for a while, I would pay a fortune for that potion. And alcohol works like that for some people

  13. if everything is going to be out of control it might as well be out of control on your own terms, not someone else’s. that’s why i drank.

    i don’t always want to be high tho or what the op is saying. sometimes i like a sandwich.

  14. I imagine it’s boredom and a feeling of pointlessness, lack of any way to meaningfully alter the world or express their manhood.

    Certainly that really hot me during my brief stint working in a normal job.

    I imagine they feel like that *all the time*.

  15. Most people who use substances in an unhealthy way have unresolved trauma. It’s not nearly as simple as you seem to think it is.

  16. Modern life really doesn’t have much that is meaningful for people who don’t derive their fulfillment from being collectively social and enforcing trendy norms. It isn’t so much that it is hard to handle…. But it’s rather stale and boring for the non-outraged.

    I don’t think that people are escaping from life now… As much as they are vacationing into secluded places of mock fulfillment and distraction.

  17. This sounds judgy AF, like it doesn’t matter what they say, you just want to sit there and judge others

  18. Because we hate reality. Doesn’t have to be cancer ridden children to hate life. Can just be feeling alone all day because you have no friends.

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