20M. I want tor start by saying that this girl is very nice and has done nothing wrong. But I just give up. I don’t know what to do anymore. Everytime I think I’m close to having a relationship with someone, they arent ready for it. And I understand that, I really do. But I feel like all hope is lost.

How do you do all the right things, and still end up wrong? And I’m starting to feel like I don’t deserve a relationship, like I’m not good enough, like there is just no one out there who is attracted to me.

Maybe that’s it.

I’m so sick of hearing “You’ll find someone”. Because they were supposed to be that someone. It feels like I’ve won the lottery and gotten nothing in return. And again these people are great people and deserve happiness, but when’s it gonna be my turn? When do I get to find that special someone?

Whatever I guess. I Should just get used to being single I suppose because its honestly starting to feel like that’s my only option. Because I’m never going to be good enough or attractive enough to make it work right?

  1. Having a girlfriend overrated in a major way especially nowadays with the entitlement and the views of the delusional American woman that thinks they are equal yet they want special treatment still that they’re entitled to everything that you work for and even if they don’t say it believe me they think about it the richest most successful women in the world are all just divorcees of men that stole their shit probably fuck the best friends all the time too trust me it’s overrated you’re not missing out that much and something will happen when you least expect it so don’t even focus on it would be my advice good luck focused on you

  2. Not to sound like I don’t feel you. Because I understand loneliness can feel massive. But you’re only 20. There is so much time.

    One of my best friends didn’t date anyone until sophomore year of college. And before that she was depressed thinking it would never happen for her. But now she’s had several relationships, all learning experiences, some long term, and is in a really healthy relationship. And I’m my opinion she was still pretty early, because I know people much older who are just entering the dating scene.

  3. Focus on yourself man. Work on improving your job, living conditions, health and try again later in your 20s. The most success I had in the dating world was between 27-29.

  4. Lets be honest here, you sound like your defeated before you start. It is a sad fact of life that girls like players, to begin with at least, so you need to up your game and appear more confident. If the girl is standoffish then say okay, you think about it girl and in the meantime I will be sharking for my next meal, know what I mean. Before long, your cock will be aching from all the action it will be getting.

  5. Just glow up, you’re still young. Spend one year suffering and enjoy the rest of your life being the best version of yourself.

    Start mewing, working out, and eating a healthy diet. No excuses.

  6. Update: After thinking it over and reading all the comments, I think I’ve cleared my head a bit. So instead of dwelling on the past, I’m instead going to ask all of you for tips on how to better myself.

    Please leave your suggestions below,

    Thank you!

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