The pick-up-line game I find to be a little goofy and unnecessary xD would I have better or equal luck just getting straight to the point?

  1. Using a cheesy pick-up line or getting straight to the point will work about the same, because they are essentially the same. Both of them are getting straight to the point. Both signal “I’m interested” right from the start. It’s not so much about what you say, it’s more about what approach you take (straight to the point versus indirect) and how you do it. What vibe you give off.

  2. Depends on how attractive you are in her eyes. If she wants to hookup with you, based on your looks alone, then she’ll just giggle at the cheesy pickup line and go along with you. Same goes for getting straight to the point.

    If you are not that attractive to her, than both will be seen as what they are: low effort approaches. And you will be labeled a weirdo or creep.

  3. Pick-up lines are a very dangerous approach for women, as they can often be a declaration of unarmed combat. The “Did you fall from Heaven?” Massacre Brawl of 1994 is a good example of this.

    If you are to use such swaying words, be sure to be fully-prepared. Ensure that you always have 3 ice packs on you at all times, as women can detect Infared wavelengths of light and can tell if you’re nervous or worried by just body heat alone. Finally, as you say the line, be sure to occasionally slam a wall or desk with a detached rubber hose, this de-escalates any misconceptions of combat and assures the woman of interest that you are just here for courting. If she begins whispering about the economic state of Mt. Everest, then you’ve successfully flirted with a pickup line.

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