I was at school and, I don’t know what came over me, but I started drawing this girl on my sketchbook. Without her consent. It’s a personal one of course and I don’t show it to anyone, but I feel guilty about it nonetheless. Should I apologize to her about it tomorrow or will that make me more creepy? Im a bit clueless sometimes.

  1. If nobody knows, I recommend discarding the drawing and not doing it again. Bringing it up (while admirable that you’re willing to do so) can definitely backfire depending on how she takes it. It *could* be sweet, and it could also be creepy. It’s impossible to say which is more likely without knowing you or the girl in question.

    I commend you on your self awareness in this situation. If you’re struggling with guilt, shred the drawing and use this as a learning experience moving forwards.

  2. If no one saw the drawing, then there is no reason to apologize. I suspect you like this girl and want a reason to approach her. Without knowing her character, I’m not sure this drawing would be an appropriate ice breaker. However, don’t rip up the drawing. Tuck it away. It may later lead to a friendship.

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