In short, my wife is from Trinidad and Tobago, and we have been together for 7 years and married for 6 months. In about a year from now, we plan to move to the UK. I’m a UK citizen, but my wife is not. We have had a good read of the financial requirements and we think we’re all set, but it’s so complicated that we’re not sure. I’m self-employed and earn around the necessary amount, but it drops some months (and raises others) and I have little savings. My wife has pretty substantial savings but will not have a UK job. She has a good job now but will be leaving it to be self-employed for a while when we move.

It’s difficult to track exactly how much we need to be earning, whether our earnings count (with us being self-employed), and how much our savings can contribute. Government sources are complex, third-party sources sometimes contradict one another, and while we think we have a handle on it, we’d like a (remote/Zoom) meeting with an expert/consultant/advisor/lawyer who we can basically explain our situation to, give them the numbers, and have them confirm whether we’re fit to legally make the move and, if not, what we need to do. We just need that extra reassurance that we’re on the right track and are not overlooking/misunderstanding something.

We’re happy to pay, but we just need a 30-60 minute chat with an expert to confirm that we’re good to go. Does anybody know of a good service, paid or otherwise, that we can consult? If this is the wrong place to post something like this, please advise us on where to take this question. To be clear, we need a conversation with a human, not just links to resources or calculators.


  1. Her savings count. If you didn’t have a job, min savings needs to be £62000. Just done this with my wife. Most importantly you need to prove your relationship is genuine with photos, if necessary, over the entire 7 years. Include joint plane ticket and hotel receipts over the last 7 years.

    If her savings are not 62000 then it can reduce depending on your earnings (average) backed up with extensive accounts. The savings must be money that has been in the account for at least 6 months. So you can’t just transfer a ton of money just to make the financial requirements.

  2. If you are both earning/have decent money now, I’m not sure why you would even want to come to the UK. Been self-employed means you could find yourself struggling to find any work over here, especially as the UK is in a recession

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