50 M friend just got married to a 45F. He calls once a week saying he made a mistake. What do I tell him?

  1. He must have been sure enough to get married, but he needs that conversation with his wife which I’m guessing he hasn’t, keeping it bottled up from her will make it worse

  2. Tell him that if he’s really convinced that the marriage was a mistake, he should file for divorce before things get worse.

  3. Ask him what it was that made him get married in the first place.

    And then work from there. Ask questions rather than give advice.

  4. He still has a lot of life ahead of him, so he needs to cut his losses and end it. If you’re gonna fail, fail fast.

  5. You pass along your condolences. Not much else to do. If he regrets it he can leave. It may feel like it, but he’s not actually in prison.

  6. Getting it done quickly might be better, depending on jurisdiction. Once there’s more time passed, there might be financial implications.

  7. Tell him you will support his decisions. If you tell him to get a divorce and they stay together it will be weird

  8. Dude’s worth millions and can’t hire a therapist to sort this out with?
    He isn’t giving you the details for some reason, and also you aren’t equipped to “fix this”.
    He needs to speak with a therapist, not a friend.

  9. Tell him it’s beyond your capacity and that he should seek therapy or counseling.

  10. Imagine being 50 and not realize most women (esp unmarried older women) don’t completely change up after marriage. Some lessons are expensive and painful.

  11. What can you tell him? He knows better. Hes just venting. He knows what he can do. He knows how fucked he is based on his options. Just support him so he doesn’t do something stupid. Maybe see if he can possibly get his marriage anulled.

  12. Ask him if he is wanting advice or needing to vent and for you to listen. If he wants advice – tell him life is to short to not be happy.

  13. My man, you got like 20-30 years left on this planet. Just leave. You LITERALLY don’t have time for this shit.

  14. Lol, well. I mean at 50, he should have known what he was getting into. But uh, well you can tell him to divorce her/get it annulled.

  15. My SIL questioned whether getting married to his fiance was a good idea just prior to the wedding.

    Now a few years later they are separating.

    Listen to brain not your heart

  16. Tell him to Grow from where the relationship stands presently. Make suggestions for success. People quit way to easily these days.

  17. I got married in 2 weeks, that was 8.5 years ago, still married 2nd kid on the way.

  18. “Look man, week in week out I hear you telling me you made a mistake in marrying her. I gotta ask, are you actually happy in this marriage? And if the answer is no then I think it’s high time something changes in your marriage. Address the problems and move forward together or call it quits if you can’t. This shit is clearly draining you. And if you feel this unhappy now then it’s up to you to decide if this is what you want your future to look like.”

    Is what I’d say. But that’s just me.

  19. Nothing 😂. He’s a grown man who should be communicating with his spouse, not bitching about her to his buddy.

  20. Man, I came here to make fun about him, but now I actually feel bad for him. My douchebag powers are on the decline.

    Tell him that is never to late to get a divorce.

  21. “I FUCKIN TOLD YOU, you old bastard you shoulda just Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawned it but noooooooo You had to put a ring on it. Whats wrong? walls closing in? you only own half of your shit now? She doesnt wanna be so sexually free anymore? I TOLD YOU Sucker! It was a ruse! Shoulda never mentioned your 401k. .. You thought she just all of a sudden turned into some sex godess that was free and fine with having a third in the room.. NO! She got you hook line and sinker and now your stuck till you die. I told you. i told you. i told you.”


    I would ask him what’s going on? This is a very worrying turn of events

    If it’s not clear or he thinks it’s him – I would recommend he talks to a mental health professional about the way he’s feeling. From your comments, it sounds like he has some social issues. A psychologist could probably help with this.

    And always be there to listen to his troubles, let him talk to me and try not to take sides or have an opinion. Just be supportive of him.

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