I just need to know what to do he won’t take no for a answer and he’s been begging me . And making me feel bad telling me to just get in my car if I care

  1. Run the fuck away serious rape vibes. Call a friend your parents or the cops if you can’t get in your car and get the fuck out

  2. >I just need to know what to do

    Get in you car. Drive. Block him on your phone and all social media. If he puts his hands on you, scream “fire,” knee him in the groin and run for your life.

  3. I mean for tonight I’d turn off your phone and try and relax, tomorrow after getting some sleep in your shoes I’d be considering what I want out of the relationship and how I felt after my wishes wernt respected… and I’d have a boundary talk if I thought I was continuing.

    It’s one thing to ask, it’s another thing to continuously ask and guilt trip

  4. I know this post is 2 hours old now, but dear lord, I hope you didn’t go anywhere near him. “Won’t take no for an answer” is alllllllllllllllllllll the red flags. Dangerous red flags. Don’t walk away–run.

  5. Avoid that guy!! As a dude myself, I can’t understand what he is doing that to you for. Don’t waste your time with him while there is someone waiting for you that would never do that.

  6. Get a new phone number. Most cellular companies allow you to change it within the app. No one can force you to do anything.. unless you decide to do it.

  7. Don’t let anyone guilt trip you for enforcing perfectly reasonable boundaries or wants. Huge red flag.

  8. If he won’t take no for an answer over the phone imagine how he’ll be in person

  9. Call the police. At best this guy is a rapist. At worst a serial killer. What a sick individual. Also put the text conversation all over the Internet to warn other women and contact the local news stations.

  10. “Get in my car if you care”????

    Abso-fucking-lutely not

    He’s pressuring you into doing something you don’t want to do and that is a major no-no. Do not date this guy.

  11. Ignore him. He’s making your life more difficult than it needs to be, don’t feel bad for a second. Don’t even think about going over, he’ll make your life a nightmare

  12. I’m not sure how long you’ve been dating.

    But anyone guilt-tripping you and trying to make you feel bad (“if you cared”🙄) sounds emotionally exhausting to deal with.

    If you think he’s trying to be creepy go ahead and block him. Creepy/predatory people don’t deserve an explanation. Just block.

    Keep yourself and your loved ones safe!

  13. Honestly don’t go near him again. Your fear is palpable from your words. Do not accept this treatment or be round someone who’d make you feel this way. You deserve better.

  14. Ignore him then like if you said no then it’s no at the end of the day he can’t force you if you don’t go an even if you did went don’t let him force anything upon you.

  15. Run!!! this guy is crayyy! That’s some childish behavior and desperation all in one…definitely run!!

  16. I’m sorry, what? Lol You say no and then you shut your ringer off and you live your life. Are you an adult?

  17. When you tell someone no, you are giving a boundary. If they don’t respect the boundary, for me, that’s a big relationship problem. I wouldn’t want to be forced to do something against my will. If he can’t respect this for you, I would wonder what other areas might he not respect?

  18. First off there’s nothing worse than a man begging. If this was a decent dude he’d be more understanding and wouldn’t put his needs as his priority. It’s obvious he only cares about sex and highly likely that you will never see him again after he gets what he wants. In my experience there’s no better feeling than denying selfish people what they want, especially if you are giving up only a night’s pleasure. You will think back someday that you value yourself higher than some prick’s needs, and that’s worth a whole lot more.

  19. Men who can’t take no for an answer and can’t respect boundaries are trash. Get rid of this guy.

  20. Block his number. Let him prey upon someone else. There are plenty of guys out there that aren’t controlling.

  21. As a guy; fuck no.

    That’s straight up emotional manipulation. Stay the fuck away.

    Just block his number, and never look back.

    If he’s manipulative now, imagine once he has his foot in the door.

  22. Say no and then cut all contact. Problem solved. Nobody needs to be coming over to anybody’s house.

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