I used to do half the drugs under the planet, but they ruined my life and nearly killed someone I love. A while back I decided to quit everything and be sober for as long as I can, if not my whole life. So far, only positives I can see.

Except dating. There’s this social expectation to drink. Much of my last relationship was built on weed and alcohol. I’m scared that without these, few people will actually will want to get to know me.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you date someone that’s completely closed off from alcohol and drugs?

  1. I would, so would X % others…I think I’ve drank 4 times max since the beginning of last year and haven’t been drunk in at least 5 years, and I’ve never even smoked cigarettes let alone anything else, so that’s compatible with my social habits. Many wouldn’t date you on this basis though and just like a million other things, there’s a ton of incompatibilities which mean most people aren’t for most people

  2. My ex was a drug addict, so when I started dating again, my main non negotiable was no drugs, I rarely drink but I don’t mind the odd one, but I hate hangovers so never get drunk. You will definitely find people who have similar outlooks on drugs etc. good luck

  3. I totally would if I wasn’t already taken. I’m 29f and although I do drink weed pretty much every night it’s for more medical reasons because I have adhd that i recently found out about like last year and it helps to calm my mind enough for me to fall asleep easier and I only do it when I know I’m not leaving for the night. Regarding alcohol I don’t really like the taste of most alcohol so for me it’s not a big deal my only thing is I don’t want someone telling me what I should and shouldn’t do like if you don’t do it does that mean you want your partner not to kinda thing. Now if they genuinely had a concern for my health then I would talk it out with them and figure something out but otherwise I would have no issues I don’t really drink like ever. So it’s just about finding the right people

  4. I would if they checked all the other boxes. I like a little weed and alcohol but very much in moderation. It’s nice to enjoy with someone else every so often, but if I was with a sober person I’d be respectful of that but would hope they’d be tolerant of me drinking and smoking a small amount.

  5. YES.

    I’m a teetoller. No reason. No religious objections. I tried a little of everything, I just don’t like it. Don’t get what the fuss is about. Being drunk/high isn’t fun for me.
    I can have a great time without. I have found ordering a virgin Shirley Temple is the best way to get people to leave me alone about drinking with them. Everyone wants to push alcohol on you, even if you’re the DD.
    Dating is fine for me, I haven’t made a big deal about not drinking. I don’t have an issue with my date drinking, as long as he is responsible about it.

  6. I used to say no to this question. That i would want to at least have the occasional drink with my partner. But I rarely drink myself and i hate drugs. And after being with two alcoholic coke heads and the last one cheated on me, I’m BEYOND happy to be with someone now who pretty much never drinks. No drugs. Nothing. Could. Not. Be. Happier.

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