It was totally unexpected, as he’s in a highly equalitarian society, where men don’t really pay for women or do anything ‘nice’ like that.

We were hanging out for the 1st time and he immediately offered to buy us a round of drinks (expensive ones).

For the second round, knowing the customs of the land, I offered to pay. He was very intrigued and literally shouted “What?! Do you think I can’t handle the expenses by myself?!”

I was quite shocked to see him like that, especially as he’s been extremely kind and polite towards me.

So… I really fancy this guy. But, since all men from his country never offer to pay, open doors to women etc (it’s just the social norm there), I thought it would be sensible of me to offer to pay. He obviously had a different opinion :))))

Well, he’s a well-rounded professional, earning quite well after all. But why in the world did my ‘equalitarian’ offer upset him so much?…

  1. Egalitarianism happens faster for some than others, just keep doing you, you’re alright.

  2. If a guy gets really **mad** about a woman paying for him, that just means they know they have nothing to offer besides money, and they feel insecure and threatened by you being a capable person.

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