And the jury would let me off for murder in this scenario, right?

  1. Anything before 9am on a Sunday is just rude. 9 am is cutting it close mind you. I have never mowed before 10:30 because I didn’t want to be that person.It’s just being considerate

  2. I think the noise regs for “nighttime” finish at 7am however I wouldn’t start before 8am.

    As for it being a Sunday – so what? No difference to a Saturdays.

    A more regular thing like mowing would be later but I presume you’re just trying to work done as a one off.

  3. If it’s DIY work then realistically you could start at 7am, but that would be a dick move IMO.

    If it’s “contract” work – you’re paying a builder/contractor to do some work then you could fall foul for allowing any noisy work on Sundays and BHs and your neighbours could complain to the council about statutory nuisance, especially if planning permission is involved.

    I try to leave mowing the lawn other noisy stuff etc until at least 10am on Sundays

  4. If I had my way, Sunday would be too early to use diggers and tractors in the garden on a Sunday.

  5. As others have said chances are it’ll be a weekend hire and your neighbour needs to be finished with it by today. Personally, I wouldn’t start before 9am and would try to hold off until 10am, but if I had a lot to do and short amount of time to do it (and I wasn’t digging holes *every* weekend) then sorry, the neighbours won’t be getting a lay-in.

  6. I think before 9am is probs too early. 9 am is late enough for most people to get a lie in so I’d have no beef with someone mowing or digging from then.

  7. I’d at least wait till 9am before starting any noisy tasks in my garden. It’s probably a bit rude anytime beforehand. That goes for any day of the week, not just Sundays.

    The only time I would consider any different times would be if I was aware of a neighbour working night shifts, then it would still depend on how much I liked said neighbour.

  8. I’d say after 10am… I’d hate to have that kind of noise disturbing my Sunday morning lie-in so I wouldn’t do anything to disturb my neighbours Sunday morning either.

  9. I would stick a note through my neighbours doors explaining and apologising. I wouldn’t feel comfortable starting before 9.00.

  10. Think 10am seems the most reasonable both here and in general, in so much as we have a clay pigeon shooting club near us and they don’t start until 10am on Sunday.

  11. I’d say before 9am. But if it’s a one off hire (just for the weekend) and it needs done, then I’d say however early is needed to get the job done but I’d warn/notify my neighbours in advance.

  12. Anything before lunchtime but that’s just because I don’t want to be woken up though there is probably some more reasonable answers out there.

  13. Earlier than 9 you will get agro
    9 till ten probably safe especially a one off however making a row every Sunday at 9 not so much
    After ten safe

  14. As a regular occuance? Pre 10am would annoy me.

    As a one off? Pre 8am would be a pita but I’d be ok to put up and shut up.

  15. Why are Sundays special? Surely you should be getting up early to get ready for church if you think it’s special day.

    If you stay up late on Saturday that’s your choice and you have no entitlement to a lie in.

  16. 10 is the considerate time for starting noise generally (mowing, drilling) but if it’s a one off happening, like digger hire, and there’s a time constraint on the job then 9 is acceptable

  17. It would be interesting to see the same arguments that are applied here to discussion of parties on friday and saturday nights, or noisy firework displays and the like or loud music. Noise is noise after all. The answer surely depends on so many things. Is it regular or a one off, have the neighbours been informed, all that sort of stuff. No one answer fits all situations

  18. If it’s hired to do a job and there’s alot of work to do, I would be starting at 0700. I’d let the neighbours know, but I’d be working in the hours I’m legally allowed to, if the neighbours have a problem, that’s up to them.

  19. I don’t usually get the digger going until after 9am, so while I’m waiting for that I’ll usually just use the angle grinder or kango

  20. Before noon I would say, but then I’m a lazy bastard who rarely sees the alleged “morning” on a weekend.

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