Gonna preface by saying my social skills are pretty crap and I have bad social anxiety. So there’s this girl in my class and we haven’t actually talked yet but I have a big crush on her. We sometimes make eye contact across the room and I caught her looking at me once. I have no idea how to initiate a conversation with her, and I never really get the chance either. So I’m thinking about messaging her on instagram but I don’t want her to be weirded out or anything by me “sliding into her dms”. Is it normal to message people who you’ve never talked to? And would she assume I like her? Need advice on my situation please

  1. I wouldn’t. Responses from DMing someone out of the blue on IG is heavily correlated to your social clout.

    If you don’t know them already or have 1000+ followers and a ton of photos, probably isn’t going to go well. You need to develop some level of rapport first.

    Next time you see her (not during class) preferably on the way out of class, casually go up to her, tell her you like her hair or shoes or something she’s wearing, ask her what her name is, introduce yourself, gently shake her hand, tell her it was nice meeting her, and walk away.

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