So usually when a girl says “I just want to be friends” that’s a perfectly fine answer for me. Cause who doesn’t want more friends? But then the girls just totally shut off and never talk to me almost as if they actually wanted to date and were looking for me to make the first move! Oh well! Some fucking friend!

  1. They are trying to reject you in a nice way. They do want to date someone, just not you.

  2. Because most of the time the guy they reject is just waiting in the friend zone for another shot and it’s uncomfortable. Once you express attraction it’s hard to go back.

  3. Keep putting yourself out there. If a woman tells you they’d like to remain friends and then immediately block/ghost you then your reaction should be “Huh.” Then go on about life. If they come back at a later date to hook up remind them you’re not the type to hook up with “friends”. After that? Continue the hunt.

    You could go on a date with a hundred women in a hundred day’s and still find little success. Or vice versa, a hundred new “friends” for a day/night. Real long lasting love isn’t easy to find these day’s when validation and vanity are at an all time high. Divorce rates show that. Just keep digging. You’ll uncover that diamond soon enough.

    Also NEVER hook up with anyone that has previously ghosted you. They’ll probably do it again as it’s an ego boost.

  4. PSA: no one is ever good enough for them. They only want to go back to you as a last option when all the other guys they were interested cancel on them. Don’t be someone’s last resort. Learn to recognize sign’s early on and know your worth.

  5. The I want to be your friend line is basically “ hey I totally don’t see any future with you! But you can be there for me give me free attention and self confidence . Thanks”

    My advice … stop being friends with them. You can tell them you have enough friends and we’re looking for something . Block them and move on. This is why so many people get walked over . Both men and women. Women give some men what they want and get stomped all over and men give women what they want and the stomping continues.

  6. Something I have learned in my short life yourney ‘I’m 28M’ is that if she is into you, then you will be able to tell within hours or whatever time frame Floats you’re boat.

    If you have to keep second geussing, then the most likely awnser is she is not interested. If she is attracted to you in someway she will make it clear unless she’s 16 and has to ask her friend to ask you if you like her…yah know…

    Oh and awnser to your question 99% percent of the time I’m pretty sure “let’s just be friends” is a very polite way of saying I’m not interested in you.

    If it happens again just reply with “kewl just hit me up if you ever want to hang” and leave it at that.

  7. You can’t be friends with a random woman who has nothing in common with you, but you can date her if she’s attractive.

    The moment a girl wants to be friends, I know we won’t be talking unless her passions in life happen to be Naruto and Xbox games.

  8. Usually they do this because they are rejecting you in an indirect/ non-confrontational way.

  9. I am a woman who has the same problem with guys. I actually would prefer to be somewhat friends first but apparently most people are not wired that way…

  10. I feel like we all gotta learn to adjust expectations. Not everyone can be chill about making friends. A lot of the time, the rejectors may face the pressure of causing you to be led on further by their friendliness, & them not being able to give you anything more than friendship. Some rejectors just can’t bring themselves to say “I don’t wish to see you anymore” though that might be what they really meant (I even think it’s safer to assume this unless proven otherwise). And would you wanna be told that anyway?
    Lack of contact may make it easier to move on… best of luck!

    PS but what if they just secretly observe you… Like your posts… request to follow your IG… these would be the pesky little things that make you unable to move on as cleanly as you’d like… 🙁 I was almost moving on from a dude (who did the same thing… said “I’d like to remain friends and am happy to hang out in the future if you’re willing to” but POOF LOL) but he started doing these lol

  11. Maybe things were going too fast? Or they perceived a red flag from you and got scared so they want to see how well you can behave.

  12. Let’s just be friends is a “polite” way of saying I’m not interested in you.

  13. At least u get closer than me bro I never get a reply but I am sorry bro keep ur head up

  14. A simple framework: If a girl asks about being friends but not lovers, kindly accept the offer. But after accepting, wait for her to initiate the friendship. If she really wants it, she will follow up. And at that point, you can decide how you want that relationship to look. In most cases, she doesn’t want to be close friends with you, but just to maintain friendliness if and when you see each other again. I think we owe each other basic friendliness. So be a good person and offer her that.

  15. People suck at communication. Also stop being a pushover, look for what you want. No use wasting your time.

  16. “I just want to be friends” equals “you are not worth my time romantically”.

    Your response should ALWAYS be: I got plenty of friends. Have a nice life.

  17. Mate there basically telling you that there not interested and want to do it in a way that doesn’t hurt you. It almost always means ‘that’s it, we won’t be seeing each other again being friends or dating’.

  18. Let’s be friends probably one of the most haunting lines for a guy. Don’t worry plenty of fish in the sea.

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