
Background info:
I matched with this guy on hinge around 2 months ago. We have been on 2 dates and slept together on the second.
When we first matched we were messaging semi regularly (both taking ~ 2/3 days to reply) and it took 5 weeks for us to go on our first date.

He left to go on a skiing holiday the weekend after our second date. Up until then he was messaging me pretty regularly but since getting to the holiday place, he has been taking ages to reply (hasn’t responded in 5 days & hasn’t read my message). He’s away for 3 weeks.

The things is that whilst I find it a tiny bit annoying, I kind of don’t mind. He’s literally on holiday, I don’t expect him to be constantly on his phone. I feel like he will probably message me back eventually/when he gets back. Also we have only been on 2 dates so I feel like it’s not that deep?!

I guess my question is – am I being too laid back about it? I’m concerned that he’ll start to think that I maybe don’t have that much self respect/might think of me as an easy option which I don’t want. I feel like it’s something that I should be bothered by?
If he continues to take ages to reply should I end it out of principle?

Any advice/thoughts much appreciated!!

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