So there’s a guy, he’s kinda a cheerful person, and he used to be normal and sometimes cheerful when talking to me, he even joked with me a bit. I mean I know at least he didn’t dislike me, because there were subtle signs of attraction before.
So one day, we were going to the same direction so we walked together for a while, we talked and the conversation was fine, the vibes were fine and normal. And he suddenly walked in a restaurant without saying goodbye, then he turned around and looked at me, I waved him goodbye, then left.
After that, things are weird now, we don’t talk as if we are even stranger than strangers. I look cool and calm as usual, idk if he thinks I’m cold, but he’s kinda cold lately, like he doesn’t even care about my existence, he turned his head away when he was walking past me. So I think we kinda avoid each other now. I mean we can sense that there’s an awkward vibes between us. just awkward and embarrassing.. what’s wrong with us? I don’t understand.. it feels like we both sense that something is strange between us..
I wanna talk to him but I’m scared that he dislikes me but I don’t understand how he will even dislike me, I did nothing wrong. I didn’t make it like I hate him or like him.

  1. Well on paper this seems like a situation where you should just talk to them about it if it bothers you but it’s easy for internet strangers to lend advice when it’s not their life.

    Honestly when you said they abruptly went into a restaurant my first instinct was he shit himself or had a similar embarrassing accident lol. Maybe that’s why he’s weird cause he thinks you know.

  2. IMO since it was super abrupt, it was either you or him. Maybe you said or did something that was weird or offensive to him and he chose to exit the conversation immediately. Maybe he saw someone while you were walking he needed to get away from ASAP. Or maybe like the other commenter said, maybe he had some crazy accident that you didn’t notice but he thought you did and is SUPER embarrassed about it (my vote’s on this theory!)

    But you really never know.

    Since you were friendly acquaintances before but not friends or in a relationship, he might be more comfortable not explaining what happened that day. Or maybe he needs more time/space. But it sounds like HE’S the one being weird, so it’s on him if he wants to say what’s up or just be strangers from now on.

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