Hey folks, tell me what gets you excited.

  1. When it stops raining and you get that sweet cloud breaks and sunshine sneaking it’s way back

    The GOAT weather

  2. Fun, goofing off, affection, genuine smiles, seeing the spark in people’s eyes, and laughter. Oh and video games, art, music etc.

  3. Learning something new. It could be wholesome, intellectual or dirty. But we should never stop looking for things to learn.

  4. Oh nice try FBI. You think I didn’t notice that van parked across the street for a week last time I answered this question?

  5. Someone that is willing to listen to me geek out for a few minutes on something that interests me.

  6. – Going to bed
    – Finishing work
    – The weekend
    – Holidays

    Basically the things that are not work

  7. Well I know what doesn’t. Women advertising Onlyfans or their Onlyfans type site.

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