I’m a 30 year old man and I have firmly decided I don’t want a dating life. I’ll say something that will make me sound conceited, but please, I’m here to explain what my problem is and seek help, I’m actually suffering, don’t assume I’m here to brag:

I’m considered a conventionally attractive man. And I have evidence of this. It all started when I was in high school and I was most girls’ crush. After high school, I was the attractive dude in University. I get called handsome by men/women regularly. When I go out, women check me out in public places, or even stare occasionally, sometimes I get hit on (by attractive women too) and so on. Okay, then what’s the problem? Keep reading and I’ll explain. I’ll keep it as short as I can.

The problem is not that I find it hard to get women or sex. The problem is that sex is the least important thing to me, and because I don’t value sex at all, I only value what a woman could offer me financially or emotionally. I meet a woman… she’ll start giving me many hints… okay, good. But why should I take things further just because she’s giving me hints? Keep in mind, I don’t value sex. I won’t be all over the moon just because a good-looking girls seems available. That’s not even enough to make me want to talk to her. I need to be stimulated mentally: she could start by texting me or calling me to make sure I’m good, calling me handsome to make me feel appreciated, buying me dinner, asking for a date.. or even sex.

I’m not saying that I expect this to happen or that this is a realistic scenario, but I’d basically be happy to switch the gender roles. Women do the work, men sit and wait and say yes or no. This is what would make me want to date women.

Not making this up just for the narrative: last year I made friends with this group of women, I was the only guy in this social circle. 3 of these women seemed to be attracted to me, one of them openly said ”I’m flirting with you”. We were having a good time. Out of nowhere, I completely abandoned these women. They literally begged me to come back, saying they were missing me so bad etc. but I didn’t listen and I just cut them off and didn’t look back. Why? I knew they were into me, I gave them some time to make a move, but they were just giving me all the opportunities to take things further. When I got bored, I threw them away.

I have a very developed feminine side ( not saying I’m gay, I wish I was gay) an, women like it, ironically. I find it easy to form relationships with them, most women end up saying ”you’re one in a million. You’re handsome, you talk about anything, you don’t pressure women into sex, you’re classy when you talk.. even when you walk, you know how to dress. Most men instead don’t work on any of these qualities and are very primitive”

Unfortunately for them though, you can’t have the cake and eat it too. With my very developed feminine side, comes the problem that I try to invert the gender roles. Yes, awesome, I have all these qualities… but who’s gonna be the man now? You? If yes, I’m fine with that. I have decided I don’t want to date women, but I’m getting frustrated and the lack of a dating life is making me bitter, but I can’t change the way I’m wired. Even if I do meet one woman who is different, I kind of feel like I’m not really choosing her because I like her but because she’s the only option I have and I don’t like this.

  1. What did I read lol? Are you saying you want an alpha woman/too many people are attracted to you?

  2. TLDR: you’re too handsome and charming that you’ve decided to hang up your jersey and retire from dating 😂

  3. I haven’t given up but I feel unsettled if I’m not actively doing anything about it/making an effort and it’s a vicious cycle. Dating has this obligation-ridden aspect as well/pressure from society to be in a r-ship. I guess all I can say is go out w/ who you want to go out with and don’t bother w/ people you’re not really sure about (they might guilt you anyway) and jumping through hoops bc you feel obliged. On the other hand I have this nagging voice- I don’t think this works and I feel like you’ve got to be proactive/you can’t leave it to chance. It’s like we’re trying to get the Joneses off our backs for sizing up our r-ship status/you lose touch w/ who you are and what you enjoy doing/hobbies/interests etc and feel guilty for being independent

  4. Can I see what you look like?? I’m very curious what you look like that you attract so many girls.

  5. I…I…you know? Well, maybe um…well, I…I…you could just fuck them. Many of us here can’t even get crumbs for dates. I still don’t know what you wrote though. Something about being attractive and you have a lot of women and that you wish you were gay and that you are handsome and you had 3 girls all over you and wishing you to come back but that frustrates you a lot.

  6. You want a good reason to not date anymore?

    Narcissists and sociopaths are made, psychopaths are born.

    Psychopaths may pass on their destructive mental disorders in their genes. Narcissists and sociopaths just destroy other’s lives simply by interacting with them, and the more time they interact with people, the worse they make it for everyone around them.

    All three persons in these classification are beyond therapy and really should not be dating or marrying anyone.

    It is the best thing for all of us.

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