A guy I met over tinder has become a fwb and he’s now the only person I fool around with, and I’m pretty sure its the same for him. Going into it, we both said we were looking for something casual since he is moving 3 hours away in a month or two and I want time to grow.

Neither of us expected to have such perfect chemistry, in and out of the bed. We frequently talk about how we don’t understand how the other person does such perfect things to us. He’s also said he’s never gotten along with someone so fast before. We play around and say things like “I don’t want to ever have sex with anyone else” and he responds “you can keep me around as long as you want”. We’ve discussed traveling to each other on the weekends after he moves so we can keep hanging out. Our relationship is primarily sexual but we watch movies, chat, and cook together also.

In my mind I feel like this mind blowing chemistry is too amazing to loose, and I want to keep spending time with him and hopefully turn it into a relationship. I’m going to be patient and enjoy it as it is, but do you have any advice for further down the road, if I were to try to go towards having a relationship with him?

  1. Can FWB turn into something longer term? Yes.

    Should you keep waiting around with this person hoping they change their mind and want that? Fuck no.

    Looking at this, it doesn’t sound like you’ve told them you want a relationship. Go tell them and report back to us, please.

  2. I had the 100% same situation with a girl a few months ago.. we also met on Tinder, we both wanted something causal, great chemistry, she was going to move away in some months, and guess what, she also eventually wanted something serious.

    At the end, I didn’t reciprocate because I didn’t see her as dating material although we spent almost every weekend together at my place. This is just how many guys work..

  3. I see what you are saying. I’m honeslty not sure 100% what I want either, but I feel like the connection we have is more intense and reciprocated than any I’ve ever had in my 9 years of exploring the romantic world. So I’m just a bit worried about losing that and I feel like it could mean we should become serious.

  4. Have been in this situation with a girl – fwb exclusively with each other for like 5 months – she would come over and cook for me and stay the night quite often so we could have a good morning together as well

    No complaints and the best sex ever, so easy to get along with each other, but I was moving away and knew it wasn’t a possible relationship so I just ended it.

    On reflection it was just a friendship with 0% drama and 90% sex. Don’t confuse romantic desires and relationships with just having a reliable good time with someone who gets you.

  5. Tell him you want to turn it into a relationship and see what he says.

    That’s really all that matters.

    I had a guy literally tell me he loves me but still didn’t want to date so you can’t always count on the things people say or do.

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