Now I’m dealing with social anxiety, on the surface everything is fine but social anxiety is like locking me up. I rarely go out of the house (I only go out of the house when I go to school or do religious things) even when inside the house I tend to avoid interacting with other family members. What ways can I do to overcome my social anxiety?

1 comment
  1. Hi, I got you! I am saying stuff I had to learn so if it’s obvious to you I’m sorry it’s just that it wasn’t to me.

    1. Appearing anxious is 100% okay and it’s an accepted personality trait. A lot of people are anxious including myself, just no longer socially anxious. It’s not always a negative thing. It means you are thoughtful and take your life seriously. You are detail oriented.

    2. You will have to step outside your comfort zone in order to learn what you’re okay with. You will look back and gain insight as to what events you actually want to attend.

    3. FOMO is good. It’s good to attend stuff, even when you don’t want to.

    4. Look nice. For yourself. It will make you feel like you can approach people.

    5. Hang out with people who make you feel good. Sometimes you’re in the wrong place. I get it, you might not start off with many options. They don’t have to be cool or super fun, just people who make you feel good.

    6. Be yourself! People will know when you’re fake. People generally understand how people work. You will attract the right people when you are being yourself.

    7. Aim to be average, not better than, not worse than.

    8. It’s not always your fault something was awkward! Often times you encounter someone who nobody likes, but you just don’t know that yet.

    9. Watch tv! You will see characters who act like you and you’ll have a better sense of how others actually perceive you. For example I am pretty eccentric but it turns out people actually find that endearing when it’s natural. It does mean I’ll be seen as “cute” more than “cool” but that’s just something that’s good to know. I don’t have to worry about being cool because that’s not why people like me. I can just relax and be myself.

    10. If you’re young, work a job involving customer service. You will learn how to talk to people and will take social interactions less seriously. It’s also a great way to make friends.

    11. Smile! Hahh you’re rolling your eyes rn. It makes you more approachable. You don’t have to force it if you’re uncomfortable. But don’t hide your smile like I used to do to seem cooler and more mysterious.

    12. In a group setting people will put the group first, not you, and if you’re not used to being in friend groups it might be uncomfortable at first but don’t take it personally. It’s not that they didn’t like you. There’s just too much going on. I say this only bc this applied to me.

    Force yourself to be yourself! Resist temptations to tell white lies. I know it’s hard. But you have a place where you will feel comfortable and relaxed like you belong. But you gotta put in the work to find it!

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