So I have this friend who I have known for awhile. We have hung out a few times but not on a reg basis or anything. He had moved away for a bit but we kept in touch online. He recently moved back to the area. I said we should hangout and he said yah but never made any official plans. I didnt want to come off as over bearing so I let it wait for 2 weeks then said “hey, would lvoe to catchup, wanna go for sushi this weekend?” He said he was busy saturdaay but asked if i was free sunday. Cool. plans made.

He texts me friday asking if I workd monday. I do. Asked if we could move sushi to dinner on monday. I agreed, I told him I will get out between 4 and 5 but def closer to 4. I said he would keep him posted and he said ok. I got out at 4:20. I texted him and said I was about to leave, Im still picking you up at (insert place, he bounces around from different family members places so just confirmng which place im picking him up). No answer.

Its almost 5 and still no word from him. In the past I have driven people away by texting them like 100 times like a psycho. So I just sent those 2 initial messages back to back, hey and then told him im almost out and confirming where im picking him up.

:/ Is it unreasonable for me to think he should have answered? Do I just let it be and go off and grab dinner myself and forgot about him? Do I text again?

  1. Its not unreasonable. Try to text and call, but not too much. At a certain point accept that they arent gonna answer and meet up with you and go on with your day. Try to hang out again if you want, but dont keep trying endlessly if this becomes a pattern

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