Long story short I 23M am going to be hooking up with one of my neighbors 39F in my apartment complex and although I consider myself fairly experienced in the bedroom obviosuly sleeping with an older woman is a bit intimidating and fucking hot at the same time.

I am looking for advice from those more experienced in the bedroom that have been around and know what a MILF may like… different types of positions, things to say/not say and do, etc. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  1. Perks of sleeping with older women is that they’ll teach you themselves. Go have fun.

  2. Becoming a mom didn’t change what I do or don’t like during sex, but that’s just me. So just have open communication with her, and speak up and ask. Because noone here can really tell you what she may like/be into.

  3. Don’t let your fetish get in the way of common sense. 29, 39, or 59, a person is a person. Communicate, be creative, be mindful, and have fun and you’ll be good.

  4. Milfs are just women, and women all like different things. There’s nothing more specific that anyone could tell you but her

  5. You’re living out a lot of us guys in our 20’s dreams. Please enjoy it for our sake, come back with updates 🙂

  6. Relax and enjoy , it’s all about her . Try to make a two to one organism ratio in her favor..

  7. This was me when I was 19. Honestly, as “experienced” as you think you are… show up to learn. She’ll likely know her body better than any girl your own age you’ve been with, and will teach you some shit you didn’t know.

    Enjoy bruv

  8. My tip…look yourself in the mirror and tell the guy looking back at you that he is a lucky bastard. 🙂

  9. I’m 40F (and typing that out is hard…lol) but at 39 I felt like I was still in my 20s sexually. I feel like the only difference between the decades is now I really care whether or not there is foreplay and whether or not I get off. Lol…have fun

  10. I was a milf to my now husband. What was a turn on for me and still is, is his confidence. So don’t be shy to ask if she’s liking the way you doing certain things in bed or what fantasies she has. Back then I wanted to do a lot of public sex, so he made my fantasy come true. Of course talk about boundaries and consent before diving into sexual kinks. Enjoy it!!!

  11. Ha, I hope this story is true and not just a masturbatory fantasy. If it is true, have fun! At her age she should have the confidence to tell you exactly what she wants, just be good and do as she tells you!

  12. Just be passionate and attentive. Pay attention to her body and ask her how she likes it. Don’t stop until you make her orgasm. Let her teach you how to make her cum. Just relax and don’t be in a hurry. Tell her she’s sexy and her body is amazing. Don’t do what you see on pornos…most women don’t even orgasm in them. A lot of women don’t like being jackhammered…but some do. Ask and don’t worry about performing. Just being totally into someone and passionate is hot as hell. If you cum fast, don’t worry about it, just keep going orally or fingering her and penetrate her later when you can. Round two will probably be longer and she won’t be disappointed. Enjoy, take your time on her and don’t be shy.

  13. Yes buddy, good on you! 25f and my partner is 39f, my best advice is have fun. She’ll teach you a lot and she will make you feel like a million bucks. Just go with her pace if she sets it – also something that worked the best with me was the element of surprise every time you fuck.

  14. Bro you don’t need any tips. She is ecstatic that a dude young enough to be her son is willing to bang her. That is going to be a huge turn on and ego boost for her. So just show up and pound away.

    One of the nice things about banging older gals when you are young is that you don’t really need to put that much effort in. It is casual and easy with no pressure.

  15. You can probably impress her with your knowledge of the benefits of long term care health insurance.

  16. Be nice and respectful? Be open and enthusiastic? Treat her like a person? I mean. It’s not rocket surgery.

  17. no big difference. woman in 20 and 40 can be the same in sex, all depends on personality and preferences.

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