I think a new friend of mine is attracted to me. I’m pretty sure of it, in fact. He has given me a lot of compliments that imply he’s attracted to me, offered to do things for me, and acted pretty touchy-feely when we hang out. I don’t feel the same way, though, so this behaviour makes me uncomfortable. I’m afraid of unintentionally leading him on or taking advantage of his willingness to do favours for me. But it would also be weird to just text him out of the blue, like, “Hey, Friend! I’m not attracted to you. Are we still good to hang out on Sunday?”

How can I let him know I’m not interested and that he should stop his overly affectionate behaviour, without it being a big deal? I don’t want to face an awkward situation and I don’t want to be rude to him.

Thanks in advance for any advice people here can give me.

  1. Tel him that now and save him all the effort he’s going to put in to win you over.

  2. even if you tell him nicely, he’ll probably keep trying. I had a friend who kept telling me he wanted nothing in return for two years! eventually he got upset and ghosted me when he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to convince me or change my mind. just because he says something it doesn’t mean he will stop doing things that make you feel uncomfortable. I’d say find yourself another friend. don’t act out of desperation. there are many people in this world who can be your friend unconditionally.

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