What are the chances that you will end up alone and will never find love?

  1. Did a quick Google search and there are estimates in the range of 11-25% of people will be single forever.

    Although I’m sure a fair part of these will be single by choice.

  2. 30/70
    I’m actually married ATM but somehow I feel like I will end up alone

  3. I don’t know. I am still trying to figure out my life and I don’t want to involve anyone until I feel comfortable with where I’m at.

  4. End up alone: solid 90%, maybe a little more

    Never find love: 0%, I did love in the past, so that experience has been done

  5. I’ll be 40 in a bit over a month.

    I don’t know what the odds are, but I will say that the odds of me ending up alone, and never finding love (again) are higher than they were last year, which were higher than the year before that, ad infinitum. Right now, it’s probably close to 50/50.

    The older I get, the higher the odds I’ll end up alone. It’s just math and probabilities. By 40, if you haven’t managed to sort yourself out, find love, and get married, odds are long that you ever will.

  6. Bigger than 50/50 probably. If my current relationship ends, which is not out of the question, there’s no way I ever have another.

  7. 100%. I don’t go out meeting new people, mainly because I don’t want to go out anywhere. I also have no game. So, yeah

  8. 99.9999%, the kind of girl I’d want is probably around 1/1000, and I’d reckon there’s about a 1/1000 chance she’d want me, so statistically, there’s a 1/1000000 chance of me finding someone and we want each other.

  9. I’ve loved multiple times. At 53, three times divorced, i still am hopeful I will find love a few more times.

    Related note, as a younger man I bought into the one woman for every man monogamy myth (or at least very rare event for a single partner your entire life that makes you happy).

    These days I believe that some version of polyamory that includes honest transparency about other partners is probably what I am best suited to. I feel I may be too much for one partner. Very high sex drive, multiple hobby and business pursuits, it may be impossible for one person to mesh with all of my nonsense. As long as everyone knows what is going on and is in agreement, I find no moral flaws.

  10. you mean in general or for me personally?

    At 44, i’ve had several long term relationships that didn’t work out. Don’t really have a chance to meet people at work, plus i’m management so couldn’t socialize with them even if i did. Tried online dating and that was interesting.. a 4 year and a 8 month relationship out of that but both were trauma inducing. Between them and the whole online dating scene i’ve given up of ever trying it again.

    so like many others, living in one of the biggest cities in the world, yet completely alone.

    I would say my chances of dying alone with my cats are fairly high.

  11. Me, personally, or a random dude?

    Because right now the chances for me are 0 because even if I do end up alone dying in a ditch somewhere, I’ve already found love before in my life.

  12. Fairly high I’d assume? But being alone (in the sense that you don’t have a partner) doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can be incredibly advantageous.

  13. I’ve accepted that this is my fate. I missed the boat on anyone worth perusing and now it’s just women who want a meal ticket

  14. >What are the chances that you will end up alone

    This is a certainty and I’m embracing it.

    >will never find love?

    I have never experienced it and right now I couldn’t be bothered to try because I’m not sure I even need it. I have more serious priorities right now.

  15. Considering i’m 21 and never been in a relationship nor have i ever been hit on i would say pretty high.

    Completely given up though. Currently focusing on getting fitter (not obese but i am a couple pounds overweight and i don’t really like it)

    Although i do know i’m probably being a bit dramatic considering i’m still young i have lost hope .

    Ah well women aren’t everything i suppose

  16. 100% if I don’t do anything about it. At least if I try using a dating app I can decrease it

  17. 99 out of 100.

    I pretty much have no romantic or sexual experience, and I stopped asking women out or talking to them when I was 22ish.

    It’s been 10+ and I’m near destitute, living in a cold box with a low skill job that barely pays for anything.
    And being autistic and depressed i haven’t really dealt with my mental or emotional problems as well as having no career options in manual jobs because I’m built like Spongebob and no professional prospects as I dropped out of university and my attention span is mostly destroyed..

    The only reason why I haven’t said I have 100 percent chance is because i still have friends and know older or professional people who could help me be a better functioning adult.

    But I’m a nihilist now so after my grand parents pass i just want to watch the world burn on a comfortable seat.

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