This has happened to me frequently and I never know the protocol. I emailed an old colleague about a job opening at their company. She was happy to hear from me and CC’d their recruiter to get the ball rolling. However, it’s been hours and the recruiter hasn’t replied, and I haven’t said anything either because I don’t want to muddy up the email chain. I at least want to thank my friend, but I want to wait until the recruiter replies to the chain and address them both at the same time. How long should I give the recruiter to reply, or does it not matter? I just don’t want to leave my friend hanging.

1 comment
  1. As a recruiter myself, we’re in and out of meetings, phone screens and sourcing calls all day. I’d give the recruiter some time to respond, and if you don’t hear anything after a day or two, “reply all” with something like: “Thank you *friends name*! *recruiters name* I am available to chat *availability here*, I’ve attached my resume for review. I look forward to hearing more about this exciting opportunity!” That way you’re not coming off too pushy, but showing your interest in the role.

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