I have reached a point in life where I feel I am going down the hill of performance. I have always been great academically, self motivated, worked hard and risen fast at work but now I’m struggling to even be average at my job after making a career pivot because I got very good at what I was doing earlier and wanted to challenge myself,. I now feel dumb most of the times, I feel like I ask stupid questions and whenever I open my mouth, I say the wrong thing. It feels awful to be this way. I want to fix it, but I don’t know how.

1 comment
  1. Life is literally peaks and Valleys don’t give up sometimes things don’t work out or aren’t for you doesn’t mean overall you’re becoming below average. You can also improve on most areas as well. A lot of times it’s more like being sleep deprived,stressed,overworked,and burned out that are causing issue not your lack of ability. Asking questions is how you learn you just pivoted careers cut yourself some slack you are going into this new opportunity with the mindset and expectations of your last one , you can’t do that your are no longer an expert as you were at your other job you have to build up to that point again. reframe yourself and expectations and celebrate the little wins you’ll eventually build on those and get to where you want to be.

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