Like for me, when I‘m out, I‘m always super aware of what I say, how I say it, what my body language and facial expression is doing etc. And I kind of tailor this „persona“ to the type of situation I‘m in, like am I with family, this friend group or this friend group, work, etc. It’s exhausting to me and doing it too many hours/days in a row makes me feel physically and mentally miserable. When I‘m on my own, I move in the clumsy and uncoordinated way that comes naturally to me, sit in weird positions and change positions every 30 seconds, talk to myself, make weird noises and movements while thinking about/feeling/perceiving things, and so on.

I also recently learned that there is a possibility I‘m on the autism spectrum and I know that in that context, the things described above are referred to as masking/unmasking.

But somehow I can‘t believe that this is not something everyone does? Like isn‘t it normal to care more about what people think of you when you‘re out, and then when you get home you just move and do as you please? Or is it the degree to which it‘s done, as you (non-autistic people especially) do change depending on whether you‘re with others or not, but your „socially acceptable persona“ just comes naturally? Please enlighten me, I need to know 😂

1 comment
  1. Well, if you do end up being on the spectrum then this post is an eye opener cause I do all of those 😂

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