so me and my bf had sex i think the day after ovulation. the condom broke but he didn’t put it in after it broke, and he didn’t cum either, so there is for sure no chance that sperm got inside me and not even precum, but i wanted to be extra careful. i took a plan b within 24 hours and now my period is late around 10-11 days. i know that the plan b CAN delay your period, but honestly i have been so so stressed ever since it happened. it made me and my boyfriend so anxious and honestly thinking about it makes my day feel so much worse. i am NOT ready for pregnancy (we are both 16) and i just want some reassurance. i don’t have anybody to talk to about this so pls help. if you can think of some ways to make my period come faster so that i would finally be able to have some peace please let me know.

  1. If you already ovulated, a plan b doesn’t work. That said, if there was no precum or cum inside you, you can’t be pregnant.

    Most likely your period is delayed because of stress.

    Get a pregnancy test to relax.

  2. You can buy a pregnancy test stick and test it. If it is negative, you can wait for another week. If your period still does not come, you can go to the hospital for an examination to see if you are pregnant.

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