What country in this world you feel like is the greatest threat to your country and why?

  1. Probably going to garner some downvotes, but rescinding rights of certain groups of people. Those are being degraded by one specific party, and let’s just say they’re focusing on taking away gay rights now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned.

  2. Like realistically speaking China or Russia probably however the United States is kinda it’s worst enemy in many ways economically and socially.

  3. It’s China, but my actual opinion is it has bigger internal threats that external threats

  4. China because they continue to try to subsidize the living crap out of their industry to keep it from the west and their neighbors. If I was for instance Thai or Korean I would probably feel even stronger. They have screwed everyone except themselves

  5. When Trump was building the wall security experts were saying it was foolish and Trump should focus resources on China and Russia.

    I feel like those countries are probably still our biggest issue.

  6. I could name 3: China and Russia as they intentionally do things to destabilize US; and Mexico, as they have no control or refuse to control the types of drugs, people, and others move through that country into USA

  7. China. Between the blatant spying, the psy op spreading mental illness that is Tik Tok, the recent Iran-Saudi deal undermining American authority in the region, and the very obvious military threats to Taiwan (which is the critical superconductor manufacturer for most of the Western World), China is the most dangerous foreign threat.

    Russia is a punk loser who hasn’t been a major threat on the world stage since the 1980s. They can’t even conquer the Ukraine after a year despite spending a massive amount of their GDP on military measures.

  8. China. Rampant intellectual property theft, legit slave labor taking American jobs away. Them funding and giving cartels chemicals needed for drugs.

  9. I would say the United States, and it’s not a new concept. Abraham Lincoln is famed for saying a house divided against itself cannot stand. The damage done by the Civil War on our society/culture, as well as the casualties, remains the worst in our history. We are relatively protected against external threats with favorable geography and friendly neighbors. That said, the biggest capable geopolitical threat is China because of their global economic reach and influence.

  10. America. Because they are destroying Europe and Australia by Americanizing their culture.

  11. Ourselves, but specifically the uneducated and willfully ignorant middle and rural areas that are incapable of grasping (and/or unwilling to accept) any concept that is counter-intuitive, reflects long-term planning or is more complex than 1+1 = 2.

  12. I believe the greatest threat to the United States is… the United States.

    We continue to work against the best interest of our citizens to profitize war, prisons, health care/pharmaceuticals, etc. Our “news” consists solely of fear mongering propaganda, social media continues to highlight extremists; causing further divides, and inflation is bleeding us dry.

    This bubble is close to popping.

  13. None of them, half of the “threats” we have are overplayed so the gov can make us afraid. We spend trillions on national defense.

  14. China, and as a distant second, Russia.

    With that said, population demographics alone are going to be a big hurdle for China in the next couple decades. For the USA as well, but worse for China. I doubt it will cause a wholesale collapse like some hope for, but I suspect it will drag them down.

  15. USA is its own worst enemy, because Congress works for donors rather than voters.

    “A bubble close to popping” indeed.

  16. I think the US, but for a different reason than others. I’m not worried about our perception in the world as everyone is doing bad stuff. I’m not worried about China. Our success doesn’t preclude their success, but we have a better model than them. When we execute, we win.

    We have a country that offers the promise of a better life to people who are willing to sacrifice, be smart, think about improving quality of life over generations. We have millions upon millions of people who came here with nothing, and their descendants have gone on to run businesses and lead political offices.

    I fear two things. One, nationalism and protectionism by extremists across the political spectrum will limit who is able to enter the US. We have pockets that fear immigrants that may compete with entry level workers. This threatens unions and other unskilled laborers, in their minds. There are also some with this bizarre sense of nationalism that immigrants are suddenly bad, ignoring their own ancestry).

    The other is this entitled mindset that blames others for everything, and thinks that they should have everything handed to them. They offer nothing of value to our society. They only take. Life is hard and it should be hard. Gratification should be earned. It makes us value things more. The more we accept this, the more people will actually contribute to society.

  17. China. Imperialist fascist state with way too much economic leverage over us, in addition to things like intellectual property theft and espionage tactics. We’re in a Cold War with China, whether we want to be or not and the sooner we accept that, the better.

  18. Right now I would say the far-right is the biggest threat. We’re seeing too many illiberal governments/movements pop up. Turkey, Israel, and India are the most alarming. But Hungary and Poland are also alarming.

    Right now I think we can no longer consider Israel and Turkey to be democratic states.

    There are many on the Right who openly embrace that far-right style of illiberal government in a way that would have been unthinkable before Trump was president.

    These people are far more dangerous than any other adversary.

  19. China is the only country that has the desire and means to truely challenge the United States and current world order. Russia really wants to try, but it isn’t powerful enough. Then of course, there are internal issues to the United States that could self sabotage the country.

    I still think we are in the “American century”, meaning the country won’t lose its sole superpower status soon, unless we have the misfortune of consistently electing bad leaders and the government they represent. China and Russia are external threats, but they themselves are not ready to dethrone the United States unless we make the country worse for them to take advantage.

  20. We are our own biggest threat, likely followed by China, depending on what factors you’re accounting for.

  21. China. Huge population, world’s 2nd largest economy, huge military, nukes, generally unfriendly government. They’re by far the largest threat to us.

  22. China. Desires our spot at the top of a world order. Military build-up that has hundreds of millions of people they can force to be replacements, and their government is not compatible with our ideals.

  23. China is a great threat to the United States and unfortunately I feel the United States doesn’t pull its head out of its rear and soon we’ll be in big trouble

  24. China. They already have 1.5 billion people under the yoke and would happily enslave the rest of humanity if given the opportunity.

  25. China, since the Russians apparent cannot fight their way out of a wet paper bag they are out of the running as a threat.

  26. China as far as actual foreign powers go because post 2020 they have less incentive to play nice with us, as we won’t be depending on them as much and they won’t want to depend on us even if they need to. Liberal interdependence theory only works when there’s a reason for the relationship. Not to mention the spying stuff.

    Russia isn’t a threat to us, but they are a threat to Europe. Europe deserves protection for the stability of the world. That’s why Ukraine is important.

    But most notably, internally, Florida is the biggest threat because they’re uplifting a man who is a certified sociopath and has authoritarian tendencies beyond what Trump would do. Feels like a Kaiser Wilhelm II v you know who situation.

  27. Russia is a bigger threat than China because Russia is the country that can disrupt the Western hegemony based on the alliance between the US and Western Europe, which is the core of America’s strength. Plus they have 2/3 of a century’s history of being the sworn enemy of the US and they have a chip on their shoulder because they lost the Cold War.

    China is almost certainly going to become a bigger global player than the US in the next half century and maybe sooner. Americans think this means they are the biggest global threat, mostly because of ego. While there are issues with China, the unfortunate fact is that Americans incorrectly perceive the biggest threat as the country who is growing the most. When in reality it’s more likely that the US and China will learn to co-exist peacefully while Russia seems inherently incapable of having a government that is not hell bent on picking fights with the US and the West.

  28. I think the United States.

    I like China the hate is mostly jealousy, because obviously they’re going to overtake us in economic power and influence. The American first attitude is short-sighted.

  29. 100% China. Belt and Road is an attempt to undermine Western influence and debt traps already poor countries, cyber warfare continues to be a threat from China, China’s currency manipulation and heavy subsidization and utilization of slave labor makes them anticompetitive across many industries, their military investment and threatening their neighbors puts international security at risk, spying and intellectual property theft is rampant coming from China.

    All that on top of their human rights abuses, it’s insane that we trade with them at all.

  30. I feel that the US is the greatest threat to my country…..the US. Self destruction lead by the super wealthy against everyone else.

  31. Canada, it’s a well known fact that Canada has amassed most of their population along the American border in preparation for war.

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