I am 22 now :0, birthday in january and im gonna finally start working this year and im kinda scared about the job interviews and my future bosses or coworkers and I was wondering if anyone wanted to talk and help excercise my people skills so I wont cry during human interactions

Thanks in advance this is my first ever post on Reddit or Online :<

  1. Be bold and go out, the first step starts with your neighbors, what you need is self-confidence

  2. I’ve been alone for years too. My only social interaction is Reddit. It’s hard to cut out the negativity though. I can tell I’m slowly going insane.

  3. Hi, you’re welcomed to DM me if you wanna talk about anything. I have to say this upfront though: I work in surgery, so my schedule is very busy and unpredictable. Please do not take it personally if I don’t respond quickly.

  4. Hey there! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been without social communication for 3 years. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of big changes coming up and it can be really scary. It can definitely seem daunting to practice your people skills, but it’ll definitely pay off when the time comes. You can start small by talking to family or even talking to your pet if you’re feeling shy. You can also try to practice with strangers in public, like start a conversation in a grocery store or something. Good luck and I hope you feel more prepared for the future!

  5. I’ve also been alone for almost 3 years or 4 years. I used to have such a big friend group and a small subgroup that were my true friends. Then me and my family had to move to another country. Its been very depressing.

  6. Been there, eventually I had to go out because of job, home responsibilities and what not. The sooner you do it, the better; because I’ve struggled alot to cope up with people and I still do at times.

    I’ve realized humans are meant to communicate, they can’t survive without it. Be positive, be happy and don’t overthink.

    Here for you if you need help.

  7. It happens especially when you are a loaner. I was in your shoes. You will get along. Improve your skills in your area of work. Social skills will run its course when u r in social. I don’t think you have to work on your social skills now. OBSERVE ABD GET TO KNOW THE ENVIRONMENT AND STAY SILENT. Once you are comfortable then u can mingle socially

  8. Socializing with colleagues is similar to socializing with people in school, not everyone’s going to be friendly. You’ll most likely find someone to connect with wherever you begin working at, I’d just recommend focusing on the work itself first before anything else

  9. I’m 22 as well. I have a couple of friends that I talk to but when I go out in public I’m afraid of speaking in front of other people that I don’t know

  10. You can text me and if you wanna try it out i can send you my discord too if you wanna try talking via voice chat. Might help. But i totally get how hard it is and wish you the best of luck to get throu everything.

  11. If you are interested in anime, you should watch “Bocchi the Rock!”) You will definitely find a lot of familiar moments. It is very inspiring and can push you to the right thoughts and actions.

  12. I think I need socializing too, I dont know how to talk to people properly. I would like to have someone to practice with

  13. Hey man. You can text me at anytime. I may not be able to get back to you instantly but my dms are always open!

  14. I can talk! I’m in a similar situation, you can just chat me if you are comfortable

  15. 3 years is rookie numbers, don’t feel too bad

    I haven’t had a social life since like 2010 😆

  16. I been alone too even though there are alot of people around me but no one understands and i think I’m going insane

  17. Woah there, since there’s like several people here already, just wanted to remind you to ease up as well, don’t want you to get over stimulated. But if you still need to talk to people feel free to reach out to me as well

  18. Social skills are something I’ve learned you never fully master. Im 21 so definitely understand where your coming from but I started working when i was 17 lemme tell ya i was so nervous bro but when i finally got in there and let the pressure go. Its so much easier then your expecting i hope this helps if not feel free to spark up a convo. Let me know how things go man

  19. I cant relate to you. I’m a 2nd year in university and I have no friends. It really sucks cuz I had a big friend group in highschool.

  20. Remember your self worth.
    We are all humans dealing with life , adversity , emotions . We are internal creatures for the most part meaning everyone is focused on the pimple on their face to notice the pimple on yours .

    Hope that made sense

  21. Well if you wanna talk about tv shows movies or anime …or just most random things dm me

  22. Hi, that’s okay. Most people in their 20’s, due to COVID, have been without contact with other people for 3+ yrs at this point. It’s definitely not abnormal at this point.

  23. i feel you, i’m 21 and i pretty much grew up sheltered in a hispanic family, went thru the pandemic, and now have just been through 6 months of chemotherapy for breast cancer. 😬 i don’t think i’ve ever felt free

  24. Hey i’m 27 have been in extreame social isolation for the past 10 years but am slowly getting better. I’m down to talk about our struggles.

  25. hahah same. I am so distant from my friends it feels like I dont have friends anymore

  26. Hi OP, you’re always welcome to message me. I believe in you & you’ll get better at talking with practice!

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