Just wondering if anyone’s every been in the same predicament. I’m currently seeing this one guy, the sex is good and eveything I’m just attached to him and idk what to do. It’s so annoying because I know we’re not compatible and I know I don’t want to be in a relationship with him but will obsess over him. Any advice?

  1. Work on your attachment wounds in therapy or read books about it such as Attached. See one than one person. Combination of these two will not only help you heal but give you pleasure 😉

  2. The short term solution is to have one night stand with countless partners. Fuck once then move on to the next.

    The long term solution is to work on your attachment style so you can either: be in complete relationship with someone/ be regular FWB with someone without attaching yourself (too much).

  3. For me I would say you shouldn’t be in any type of sexual relationship until you deal with your attachment and abandonment issues in therapy.
    It isn’t fair to you or the people you are seeing. These issues are very common and you can work through them with guided help.
    Then work on healthy relationships with good people, cut out the toxic people, fake it till you make it.
    You’ll get there, work on yourself first, get to a good place and build from there.
    And masterbate like a friend until then.

  4. Therapy and masturbation. One for the long term, one for the short term, both to help you love yourself

  5. I don’t think there is anything wrong with being a little attached or having *some* feelings for a fwb. You guys are literally doing the most intimate act. It is hard to overcome nature and hormones. As long as you know that it’s not long term, I think it’s fine. Just enjoy it.

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