20F here. A while ago, I was lucky enough to scald my bare thighs with hot tea, including the most intimate parts of my body. My legs healed pretty quickly (in days), but I had felt a terrible scalding feeling in my entire clit for weeks. After difficult healing, I noticed that I had to press my clit really hard to feel something, which always leaves it very red and irritated. So, every time I masturbate I have to take a break from it for a while which is very annoying when you have a high sex drive. Is there any way to sensitize my clitoris? Did this accident ruin something in my body?

  1. It seems like you are desensitizing yourself more with the way you masturbate. It’s sort of like when you use a vibrator every day and then the day after you try by hand and it just doesn’t do it. Or how many men have this death grip thing and can’t enjoy sex. Take a break for a while and give your nerves time to heal and recover. I don’t know how bad your burn was but i would suggest you possibly consider seeing a gynaecologist since you were in pain for multiple weeks.

  2. This is a doctor issue and, in the fairly likely event they can’t help you, I’d also see a physio. I dealt with horrific genital numbness after an adverse reaction to meds and my physio is the only professional who was able to help me

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