Hello all!

I work in a big corporation. I’m an engineer and a billable production grunt. Although I make a good living, I’m never gonna be the type of person that gets sent on fully paid trips to wine, dine and golf with clients.

My question is- if I have kids I want to raise them and give them the best chances at life and success possible. I don’t want them to have the same difficulties that I have in making relationships at work.

What kind of things can I do as a parent to make sure they grow up so that they feel comfortable making relationships? What kind of exposure should they get so they feel just as comfortable behind a desk as they do at a golf course or a bar with clients?

The last thing I want is for them to feel like they are trapped as a production grunt like I am. I want to equip them so they have the choice.

What’s the trick? Is it putting them in a lot of activities? Suggesting they join a frat? Limiting video games and tv?

  1. Probably a multitude of things that contribute to it. My personal opinion is that it comes down to education. If you’re going to a school where there’s like 1 teacher in a classroom of 5-10 students then you will develop into a much more rounded person. Of course it depends on the philosophy of the school too.

    Most successful people that I see have had the best education.

    One of many contributing factors I’d say.

  2. Good education, sports, etiquette, keep them away from various troubled paths. Sales jobs early in their career can also be very helpful. Get them into social organizations for their age, like clubs, don’t let them become video game obsessed loners.

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