I find that my orgasm strength is directly correlated with how stressed I am. If I am very stressed, my orgasms will be so powerful that I will start screaming and they will last forever. If I am not stressed, I can still cum but it’s just kind of meh.

I also find that things that are stressing me out will flash through my mind while I am cumming.

Does this happen to anyone else?

  1. Personally I find the opposite to be true

    When I’m stressed. No orgasm

    When I’m relaxed. Great orgasms

  2. Actually yes, when I have a stressed day, and I go home to good sex and an orgasm, I have serious shakes when I cum, making it intense af

  3. Yea cause of all the stress and tension build in your body … your body carriers your trauma so I am not surprised

  4. Not sure, I think it depends on the state of sex that day.

    Stress doesn’t matter much to me, Sometimes I don’t feel like having sex when I’m stressed out.

  5. My husband has been self employed most our lives, speaking from experience, his stress definitely changes how easy or HARD, if at all, he can climax. I tend to take it personal like its me not doing something right, or he thinks I’m gross, but time and again he’s told me he just can’t shut his brain off from things revolving around work.

    When he’s stressed, his orgasms are meh, when he’s not as stressed, they’re powerful

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