My husband is a recovering addict. Last December he overdosed and was in the ICU for 2 weeks. It completely changed him, his personality, and us. It caused nerve damage in his foot causing pain. He takes gabapentin, and smokes weed for “pain”. I personally can’t stand to even be around him when he smokes because he just has that same look and personality as when he was on H. I’ve never had a problem with weed until this. When I express that this is a problem to me, he agrees to stop in the moment but, never keeps his word. The compromise was that he wouldn’t do it around me. He would wait until I went to sleep then he would smoke. He does and then a week later goes back to as he pleases. This has been ongoing since last year.
Last night while discussing a cat issue, nothing related, He blew up and all he seemed to care about was that I “treat him like a child and he should be able to smoke whenever he wants”
Even his boss has contacted me in the past about him smoking at work. Even he says he just looks and acts dumb.
It has caused issues in our Sex life, it’s almost non-existent because of this. Not an attractive feature for me, I have no desire to be intimate with that guy.
After last night I’m at a loss as to how to handle this anymore…any advice?

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