Hey all, on a throwaway due to this being a sensitive topic and I’d hate for anyone I know to see this.

I (20M) have been dating my girlfriend (20F) for several months now, and whenever we have sex, I finish extremely fast, like embarrassingly quick and I hate it. She consoles me by saying that it’s an ego boost for her and she’s happy that I’m happy (is this a common thing?). We’re both rather inexperienced, I’m her first and I’ve had one other partner, of course we know what gets ourselves off but are still learning about us together.

I read that if you finish quick, learn to improve other facets, and I have realized I’m good with fingering (gamer, go figure lol). The other night, after about an hour of fingering and other foreplay she came (I’m 99% sure, she says her mind got frazzled and she’s never really came before, but we talked about it and believe she did). After that she got on top and in like 30 seconds I came.

As much as she tells me she isn’t bothered, I feel incredibly disappointed in myself and have been trying to find ways to improve but nothing has helped so far. For those who’ve dealt with this issue, how have you improved, any advice is appreciated.

Any other comments are appreciated, I only lost my virginity around two months before I met my GF, so I definitely lack an understanding of women (and myself) at a sexual level. Thanks!

  1. The fact that neither of you know what the fuck is going on is a good thing. You can learn and communicate together and hopefully build a very strong intimate bond with her. Make it a quest you both go on. Btw…more than likely if she isn’t sure she had an orgasm, she hasn’t. That’s good. You 2 get to figure out how to blow each other’s minds together. Enjoy it. This isn’t a problem…it’s a blessing if you can see it from a healthy perspective.

  2. Common issue.
    More foreplay for her, none for you.
    And there’s some tricks in “Oh Please I’ll do Anything” by… I think it was Michael Holloway

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