So I matched with this girl on Bumble 3 weeks ago. She seems really nice, and we have a LOT in common. After we chatted up for a bit on the app, she gave me her number (and we added each other on Facebook, Instagram, etc.) She loves facetiming with me, but every time I try and ask her out, she makes up some excuse why she can’t. It doesn’t seem like she isn’t interested in me, since she is more than willing to be an open book about anything (I won’t go into detail out of respect, but this is the kind of stuff you don’t usually share with people before even a second date). I can’t tell if she is either being serious, or just has poor social skills.
What I am trying to say is what is the best move here? I clearly like her a lot, and I want to get things moving or drop it soon before it toys with my emotions any more than it already has. Do I make how I feel clear to her, or just toss her aside (or friendzone her), and how would I go about doing this?

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