So this has been puzzling me for a while. I’m a guy who doesn’t really subscribe to gender roles too much. Personality, tastes, beliefs don’t have much to do with what’s between your legs. To me, men and women are basically the same, biology aside.

Having that in mind, you’d expect I would have a somewhat equal amount of success when socializing with both men and women, yeah? Except that just isn’t the case at all!

I do have female friends, about as many as my male buds, but for whatever reason, when meeting new people I just never run into women I’d get along with, while dudes I’m guaranteed to get along if they’re at least a bit nerdy.

Usually it’s a matter of a lack of similar interests. I just don’t run into women who share my sense of humor, hobbies, references, etc, almost ever. But there’s those rare occasions where I’ll meet a like minded girl, and yet things still don’t click. Like, we may have lots in common and theoretically be very compatible for friendship, but for whatever reason the chemistry just isn’t there.

This is something I’ve dealt with for my whole life, but started noticing more recently. I started a new job and tried to make friends with two different girls I met and neither responded. I’m well acquaintanced with all my male peers and they already love me, but I just can’t quite connect with women the same way.

What could my problem be? Would specially appreciate a female perspective here, as maybe I could be doing something that other girls might recognize here and be able to point out. Thanks in advance!

  1. I saw the word “nerdy”. What are your interests? Most pc games, football, and certain things attract more males than females.

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