I’ll be leaving uni soon and need to think about what job I want, but I have literally not a single idea. I’m finding careers services difficult to use by going in with no clue. There seem to be so so many types of jobs out there, I just don’t really know where to start in narrowing things down. How did you discover your job?

  1. I wouldn’t say my job is unusual but it’s quite niche and not something most people have heard of. Regardless, the way I found my career was I did lots of different work as a student (part time jobs, internships, work experience) and from that, worked out what I did and didn’t enjoy. When I first started, I found it important that my job provides value to society (not profit driven) and that’s people-centered. Over the years, I’ve come to also value good work-life balance, colleagues who are friendly and sociable, where I can use a range of skills to problem solve, many different tasks that are novel and creative, and I enjoy line managing or training others.

  2. Other than my main job, which is pub management, I also do freelance cellar work. So another pub wants their cellar to be the best it can be, improving yields, setting up procedures to be followed, and ultimately have beer good enough to get into the good beer guide, they call me and I go round and sort it all out for a few hundred quid, depending on size of pub. It’s easy money for me as cellars are second nature to me now.

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