It seems like i have a weak chin or something… but i dont know why,i dont think im a mouth breather..

  1. Most men’s jawlines don’t fully form until full adulthood, sometimes even as late as their 20s.

  2. >i dont think im a mouth breather

    That’s irrelevant to the question

    Your jawline is just genetics, if you don’t like it grow a beard

  3. You’re young, most people with defined jawlines only notice them become more pronounced as they get older and lose some of the baby fat from their face. You’re not doing anything wrong by not having a sharp jawline, you don’t need to try and lose weight or do jaw exercises, if a strong jawline is in your genetics then it will naturally happen as you age

  4. Because you’re 14! You’ve got other stuff to worry about. Give it a few years bud

  5. You’re only a year or two into puberty… give it some time, like another 7-10 years to develop. Eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from refined sugar.

  6. I read somewhere about diet influencing shape. Something along the lines of cultures that eat tough food like jerked meat or nuts, hard plants that require an upward tearing action developed prominent chins and groups that ate soft food like fruits, fish and vegetables had a more prominent overbite from over extending the jaw to get bigger bites. But like others have said genetics play a huge part. Cannot for the life of me remember where I was reading about it, Think it was an anthropology article.

  7. You’ll probably end up looking somewhat like your father and other male relatives. If they have weak chins then you’re very likely to have one too.

    If they don’t have weak chins give it a few years. Your body grow out various parts at various stages of puberty.

  8. I remember being 14 and looking around and thinking, why do I look like Peppermint Patty when some of these people look like they could play for the Bruins. Hormones and puberty hit us all at different times, in different ways and sometimes not until your early 20s. It’s a real kick in the nuts.

  9. You’re still 14. I had a woman’s face at that age too, except eyebrows and the beginnings of facial hair.

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