Would you be annoyed? Is this red flag? We haven’t met up in person yet so not been on an in person date but I’m guessing she’s texting other guys.

She’s a sweet girl otherwise, we’ll mannered and polite; but it’s just this which annoys me.

I really like her and I’ve complimented her a lot; so. I think I’ve made it clear I like her. It was her who pushed to meet me which id fine and I called her for the first time last night. We’re meeting in a few weeks due to my schedule and things.

I’m trying not to get my hopes up cos I’ll end up heartbroken and I’m not talking to other woman (I dunno why I just can’t do that), I’m a one girl kinda guy and when I’m into someone I’m into them.

Would you consider it rude texting while on the phone to me?

I noticed a sort of change in the frequency of messaging so maybe she has met someone else but she’s still texting me I dunno.

I really don’t want to meet her for her to tell me we’re just friends or something, if she’s more into another guy tell me and I’ll cut my losses. I want someone who’s totally into me I’m 32 so looking for someone who likes me like I like them.

I find these situations tough. I like her but I dunno if she’s just going along with it for my benefit. I notice she’s online on WhatsApp alot she said she’d ring me when she got her child to bed so I kept checking WhatsApp for her message she is online.

So I then message her to ask her if ready and she says oh I was about to ask you.

I dunno I just feel she’s entertaining someone else as well…

What would you do?

  1. You haven’t met her yet, and because of your schedule- you’re meeting in a couple of weeks. It doesn’t matter who she’s texting, you’re a stranger right now. Don’t get in your head about this, and maybe cool it with the calls- it develops a false sense of intimacy. You might not even vibe in person, and that’s ok- but all these expectations will leave you disappointed in more cases than not.

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