Men, what is the dumbest thing you have been banned/suspended for on reddit?

  1. Derailing, same as everyone else.

    Or linking to Statistics Canada to debunk some myths on r/askwomennocensor.

  2. I don’t know what is the most pathetic but I can confidently say that the manosphere is full of mewling pussies and the people who moderate their subs are way worse than even that.

  3. I got shadow banned recently and I have absolutely no idea why. After appealing I eventually got a reply saying after reviewing my appeal the ban had been lifted, but I was never told why I got banned in the first place. What’s the point of a ban if you’re not told why you got banned?

  4. I shared a study about the growing popularity of Bumble’s BFF option. Unfortunately for me, I was born with the wrong chromosome so I got perma banned. Oops blame my parents 🤷‍♂️

  5. I was suspended for the following. And this, somehow, is bullying.

    > Drink some water, get some fresh air. Get some sunlight too if you can. Get plenty of sleep.

    Was I being passive aggressive? Sure. Bullying though? How?

  6. Got banned from a few subs for having different opinions on politics.

    Example, some thread on reddit (surprise) was something about conservatives bad yadda yadda. Basically it was something both sides do. But when I stated that the same could be said for democrats l, banned for “trolling”. I’m independent. Not affiliated with either party.

  7. some chick who had a masectomy was asking here on askmen how we felt about fake tids

    I said most people didn’t care as long as they were not these stupid bolted on oversized orbs, and that if done correctly most people can’t tell the difference anyway so she should go for it

    some guy replied to me something like “you should not encourage people to get surgery I learned to live with my deformities (his exact word) and I’m happy about it”

    to which I replied “you might be happy with your deformities but not everyone has the same mental fortitude as you” and got banned for the word deformities.

    reddit admin are, by far and large, absolute retards.

  8. I pointed out a typo. A mod insisted it was harassment…

    They said the evidence was that I wrote “sorry” in the comment (as a Japanese, I say sorry doing anything ffs).

  9. Posting ‘gore / people dying’. I hadn’t, I tried explaining to the mods that I hadn’t and maybe they were talking to wrong person. I was informed ‘this is not open for discussion’.

    Was a temp ban.

    Best one was my very first post on reddit, I hadn’t read the sub rules and got a permanent ban from that sub. I tried explaining that I was new, just learning not a shitposter or troll and I made a genuine mistake. Nope lifetime ban.

  10. I argued that doing a background check on any children’s entertainers would be common sense.

    Someone argued back that it shouldn’t matter as long as they’re never left alone with the child.

    So I argued that in if in any circumstances I discovered an [Individual who fails a child safety background check] was part of a children’s entertainment I hired, that I would fire them immediately, never trust any of them for anything ever again, and seriously question the morals of anyone who disagrees.

    They never told me what about what I said was ban worthy, I just assume they didn’t like the word I used to describe an [Individual who fails a child safety background check]

  11. I said saying hey guys to a group of men and women isn’t misogynistic. Twox is hardcore lmao.

  12. I can’t comment on a certain sub anymore because of “sexism”

    It was on a video of two teens fighting where the female was the aggressor. Some dude said the male in the video was a pussy for hitting back and I said it would be sexist not to fight back. The only explanation I got was the word “sexism”

  13. i got banned from r/JusticeServed because i posted a pro-abortion comment in r/Conservative

  14. I got permanently banned from antiwork for stating that the boss of OP’s girlfriend was trying to have sex with her, and suggested he may have already. OP had shared an image of the texts the girlfriend was receiving. The boss kept complimenting her appearance, telling her how much he would miss her presence at the workplace while she had the day off, and persistently offered her a ride to work.

  15. I was part of another sub that had nothing to do with the sub I was banned from.

  16. How dare I respectfully disagree with a COMMENT on a post in that one AskWomen sub. I try not to use blanket statements but everyone in that sub just flat out hates men

  17. I got week long ban for saying I don’t like the camera work in tv talent shows. That’s difficult to follow with all the jump shots and reaction shots.
    The ban was for “bullying”.

  18. r/LegalAdviceUK

    Someone posted a thread about an online gambling website not paying out their winnings. I know someone who is an expert at dealing with these type of cases, so I commented “DM me, I can help you”.

    I got banned for 7 days and banned from the subreddit, because one of their rules, which I was unaware of at the time, prohibited asking someone to chat privately.

    Insult to injury was then added when, a year later, I needed some legal advice. It was a sensitive matter, so I attempted to post a thread on r/LegalAdviceUK under a throwaway account. I was then banned for another 7 days for attempting to evade my ban from that forum.


  19. I got banned from a lot of subs because I participate in r/conspiracy . I only got a notification from 1 sub but there’s a lot of other subs I’m magically banned from around the same time.

    I got reinstated in a couple subs by messaging the mods and asking them to actually look at my comment history in r/conspiracy

  20. I’d tell you but they’d ban me for talking about it because mods are pathetic

  21. Long story short; I got banned from a country sub for no reason. Contacted the admin from main account, admins lifted my ban saying it was a mistake. 1 day later perma banned from reddit by ip because of ban evasion.

    I did not get any warnings either since I use a custom reddit app.

  22. I got a 6 week ban from r/onepiece for saying about a recent chapter

    “A 400 chapter question gets answered”

    Outside of the spoiler thread.

  23. I shared a male opinion on an AskWomen thread where they were asking why men behaved in a certain way.

    I was also banned from Anthropology for saying that women tend date men of equal or higher status and men had no problem dating women of lesser status.

    Sexual Selection is fundamental component of Evolutionary Theory so not sure why I was banned.

  24. I got banned on r/Politics for saying Madison Cawthorn can now “wheel” himself out after he got shitcanned by his party.

  25. Got banned from BlatantMisogyny for asking someone if they knew what an egalitarian is. Got a hateful speech about how feminists hate egalitarians, then I got banned

  26. Only once, no reason given, I messaged mods to ask why, so I could avoid in the future, no response

  27. i once insulted a bot and was PERMANENTLY banned(violence or something).had to ask review twice, was denied the first time. which only proves bots are checking reviews.

    also the other day i was banned from /r/piratedgames for arguing that piracy is ethical.(another limpdickmod)

  28. Banned from two x chomosomes for speaking while male. Apparently only allowed to be on that Reddit if you’re a misandrist.

  29. I got banned from the ask lawyers sub for asking if you could legally be kicked out of a voting line if you shit your pants

  30. Asking “Do well dressed men intimidate you?” With some personal detail. The question was removed. I asked the mods why. It was for including personal detail. I rephrased the question and asked if it was breaking the rules and if it was okay to post. The mod said no. So I asked if they could specifically tell me what rule the rephrased question was breaking. They couldn’t tell me but instead banned me. Rephrased questions was something along the lines of “Are well dressed men intimidating?”

  31. I said politicians who are caught lobbying against their constituency should be hung as traitors and not only was I banned but the mods threatened to call the police on me.

    Worse than that though. I was banned from the UK teaching sub because I said a woman in her teaching training shouldn’t try and fuck a lad who is training at the same school. I said if they do start dating she should tell the head teacher should there be any fall out following a broken heart. I was banned and the mods told me I wasn’t a real teacher and I was just pretending.

  32. Defending JK Rowling on r/harrypotter after someone was celebrating she wasn’t in the reunion. I knew I was getting banned, didn’t care.

  33. I forget which sub it was now, but I asked something like “Why is it faster to download something over the internet than to transfer it across a network via wifi?” (as network bandwidth is usually much much higher than internet bandwidth). A mod deleted it and said something like “no tech support questions were allowed”. When I tried to say it wasn’t specific to me but a theoretical question he threw a hissy fit and banned me

    I ended up googling it for a while and figured out it’s because sharing across a network requires it be transferred twice essentially (origin computer to router to target), whereas via the internet you’re just receiving data

  34. I’m permanently banned from r/politics for calling someone a cunt. Apparently there’s a specific rule in their sidebar against that word.

    For the sake of accountability, I’ll admit it wasn’t the first time I got banned from there for calling someone that. In my defense though, I only said it to people who were being cunts.

  35. I’ve been banned from two subreddits:

    1. Temp ban from r/StarWarsEU – the post was a Trolley Problem with the original Thrawn trilogy on one track and the sequel trilogy on the other. I said the other track could be empty and I’d still run over the sequels. Temp ban for excessive sequel bashing.

    2. Perm ban from r/amitheasshole – Post was about a sister who faked her own death and made the OP drive across the country for the funeral, only to meet OP at their parents’ house like “Surprise! It was a test! You passed!” I commented that if my sibling did that, we’d still need to have the funeral. Perm banned for encouraging violence.

  36. I said that petafyles (misspelling because bad word) deserve a woodchipper. This was on r/askreddit, I had to apologize to the mod and show my understanding that, even if it was a joke, people shouldn’t be fed into a woodchipper, and that it could hurt people’s feelings.

    I really wish I could give this a /s, but it did indeed happen. I am now a more well adjusted, compassionate person that will consider absolutely everyone’s feelings prior to saying anything that could be construed as being unsafe in the safe space of the internet.

  37. Having the “ wrong”political opinion . Ie contrary to the ideology of most people in the sub

  38. Someone referenced white privilege and I suggested that the term itself might be racial stereotyping. Lifetime ban. I believe it was r/changemyview .

  39. Saying you could in fact be racist towards white people. I then had the moderator call me a cracker piece of shot when I appealed the ban

  40. I got banned from the Embroidery subreddit because I said “lol” under someone’s comment, “men get periods too”.
    Banned for transphobia lmao.

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