So i’ve (F25) been in a relationship with my bf (M37) for 2 years. Havent really wanted to mention this before but he is my manager.

Its been very toxic over the past several months, in which its clear hes insecure from the way he is untrusting of me, judges the clothes I wear, swears at me & overall just says things that are disrespectful too.

(You can check my last post about my toxic relationship for more depth as to why I want to leave which should explain it)

So I’ve been trying to find a job for around 2-3 months & have only had more success with the crappy paying jobs, which I cant take because I wont be able to afford bills, rent, household stuff etc. The ones around my current salary or more have not accepted me as they found people more qualified (even though I have years of sales experience?). (I have not used him as a reference so that is not the reason).

ALSO, I cannot complain about him to anyone as it is his company in which he is partnered with his best friend, and it is a small company so there is no HR, its just a small office of a few people. I dont really want to put in a legal complaint, I mean we both consented to the relationship even if it was unprofessional, & dont want to go down the legal route as it would be stressful & embarrassing too so that is not an option (even my family dont know about this relationship). And I definitely have to leave my job, we had an argument once & was going to break up in which he said how i cant work anymore but then we got over it (so yes he will fire me, and if not, I’d want to leave anyway as we work in the same room & i have to sit near him). His best friend (other boss) knows about us so would just support whatever my current bf says :/

So today Im thinking to just dump him even though I have no job to support me, I cant keep being in this relationship, its mentally exhausting, having to walk on eggshells constantly too. I dont have anybody to talk to about this as my friends think I left him months ago (I was embarrassed to say i didnt).

My only backup is to borrow money from my dad which I have been absolutely dreading to do as I didnt want to disappoint him but have already talked about how I need to leave my job because its depressing (not that im dating my boss). He said he will help me but sounded disappointed. I have never asked him for money before so its really embarrassing.

Please advise on the situation if you can. Theres the option of staying with him until I get a new job but it would mean having to deal with it all again. This has been depressing me & I have even seen a counsellor.

TL;DR – 25f need to leave a relationship with my 37m boss as its toxic and mentally draining, but it means I will lose my job & have to borrow from my dad which is humiliating for me.

  1. > I will lose my job & have to borrow from my dad which is humiliating

    Being safe is FAR more important than suffering humiliation.

  2. your father sounded disappointed when you said that because the way you presented it was that you just want to leave your job ~because reasons. if your father loves you and want the best for you (which it sounds like he probably does if he’s willing to help you out even without the added context), then tell him that you need help escaping your abusive boyfriend.

    your father wants to help you escape to a better life, take it and run.

  3. Leaving this situation is very much worth disappointing you father.

    I’ve been in a similar situation where I was contemplating leaving but didn’t want to be a disappointment to my dad (I kinda already was) but he ended up helping me out even though I know he wasn’t thrilled either.

    It’s worth it, go for it. If you have some one who can help you take their hand now

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