So, I just met this new exchange students from my department a few weeks ago, they were all nice and quite funny, we even went for a walk and some boba tea too lolz. So after some interaction, I just got a little crush on one of the guys now, let’s call him jay for now. So, yeah I like the dudes vibe, we talked the most, laughed the most etc. either way, since they where really nice I decided to invite them to a trip that we where organizing that week with my friends, Jay said it sounded nice and asked my line so he could text me for the details later. The day before the trip, I decided to text him back, to just make sure he was going (already was suspecting he probably wouldn’t hahha ). He saw my message a few minutes later (it was like in the morning) and responded me around midnight, saying that well he wouldn’t be able to come, cause he wanted to dedicate some time to himself that day. I was like ok, np thx for letting me know. Everything ok, he continued the chat by replying to some other comment I did about the trip and also mentioned he went to somewhere the day before. I responded his messages and his question and.. well I just ended up with a huge ass left on read lmao. Anyway, I didn’t care much about it (even tho I did felt quite annoyed, cause is like, why tf you keep making conversation if you’re just going to do that..).

Anyway, next week we met on class, they came in just saying hi to everyone, and I was busy just playing some games while at it, he then just looked at me and called my name loud while saying hello, I just looked at him and said hi (in a nice way honestly but quite cold you could say), and just kept minding my own business. Anyway, after the class, they got all together, I wasn’t feeling like interacting with anyone so I just went home, and left them there (is not like they wanted me to stay there either way).

Then Weekend came, Saturday night around 10, he randomly wrote me (still left on read the last chat) and told me that he was passin by a place (that usually a lot of ppl of my country and foreigners meet), and heard that they where having a “latin party” that night (I’m Latina). “I know is a stupid question, but I was thinking.” He said-. Then dude 10min later responded to himself “ah yeah, but they probably won’t be playing metal there haha” (cause I told him I like metal, rock etc).

Honestly I was like wtf?, ofc I answered nicely, and told him that I didnt know he like Latin music and explained him that in there they foreigners usually like to gather a lot, and told him that no way I’ll be there cause that day was gaming night for me. Dude then proceed to explained the encounter and also clarified that he didn’t like Latin music actually, and also asked about what game I was playing, oh and told me he just got back home.

Responded all his questions again, and guess what.

E a t t h a t R e a d 🤡

So yeah- honestly I don’t understand wtf is this guys problem, I’m not sure if his interested or not, his weird or not, akward? (Even one of my friends looked at his photo and said he looked like bad bunny and the other said he looked like a sociopath😭😂) and I think it’s weird at how he randomly just “was thinking if I was going to be there”, and then just ghosting me, like???? U Okay sir?

Anyway, one of my friend says I shouldn’t be “crucifying him” for just leaving me on read, and my other friend said, that since is second time, and the situation is weird, said I’m right.

What do you guys think about this dude? What’s the deal. I was just thinking it might be something common in Europe, idk.. maybe for ppl in there is not big deal, or is common to do that?… idk 😂😂

1 comment
  1. If you like him you shouldn’t be playing games with him. He suggested to go to certain party and he even remembered the kind of music you like. What’s wrong with that?

    You should no real interest so he probably things you are not interested, it’s that simple.

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