Men of Reddit, how do you think your life would’ve ended up had you knocked up that one REAL crazy ex?

  1. I did… Kid is cool though, and life is good now. Can’t say I recommend it, however.

  2. Nearly happened. We did the pull out method and the one time she wanted to be on top. I told her I was going to finish but she didn’t move. She got off, just didn’t get off of me in time. We went to Planned Parenthood the following day.

    She blamed me as if this was somehow my fault. Glad it didn’t work out with that one. I would have paid child support (after a paternity test) with that woman. She did cheat on me during our relationship.

  3. I did and my life is fine. Poor kid doesn’t really know his bio mom though. At least my wife has always been awesome to him and has treated him as her own. The day we got married he asked her “Ms. Ally, can I call you mom now?” So, yeah, thank god for her.

  4. I would have likely stayed in the military and been the guy with the very hot wife that cheats on him every deployment.

  5. She had a homemade abortion after repeatedly asking me if I wanted to keep the baby and me replying yes she still did it. Cried the whole week after and blamed me for not wanting the baby

  6. Absolutely horrible. We hardly had sex as it was as I had a low sex drive at the time but she royally screwed me over when I finally broke up with her. The first time I tried she threatened to kill herself and the a few months later I got the opportunity and did it. She did everything she could to destroy me involving the courts and police. I’d hate to think what she’d have done if a child was involved. One of the main reasons I’m getting the snip

  7. Paying thousands of dollars for courts due to her accusations to get an advantage in child custody.

  8. Having to deal with her bullshit for 18 years would have been a nightmare. I’d also have been a dad at 17 so that would’ve been difficult.

  9. I did. My kids are awesome but they haven’t spent the night at their mom’s in over 5 years. Senior and freshman in HS. They go months without seeing or talking to her. Being a single dad and keeping them active in sports consumes all my free time.

  10. Probably like most idiots that do this. Still living in their hometown, working a crappy job and hating every minute of his life. Often escaping to the local bar to be miserable with all the other idiots who made bad life decisions.

  11. I’m not sure, she faked being pregnant for 10 weeks and I really contemplated suicide lol.

    I’d never leave a kid with her though, even though I actually don’t think she’d be a bad mom she was just a fucking terrible partner with massive trust issues. And she’s the one that had told me she left a long term relationship when she hadn’t, basically cheating on him with me.

    She also had a husband too but I do think they were actually going through a divorce but the only time I met him was one day he was home at their house, he was never there, and he came out in his underwear and put a gun to my head so maybe they weren’t.

    I’m also fairly certain her parents, pops imparticular, was a narco because they just had too much money. She also was possibly working for the FBI but that’s a whole different weird part of the story.

    We would have never had to worry about money but it would have been a fucked up life. I’m extremely chill and me and girl now have never even so much as raised our voice at eachother but she made me so mad I blacked out a few times. I didn’t trust myself around her anymore after months of emotional abuse. I never hit her but the last time we fought I legit worried I couldn’t control myself…so I waited a week until we were good and then just took off of work for 3 weeks and left the city.

    The reason I got so mad the last fight is she scraped her face/eye from a tree and she would 911 and threaten to tell them I did that to her but she’d always call and hang up. She did the same shit with my supervisor at work, threatened to tell them I was fucking coworkers at work and she actually ruined a friend of mines relationship by finding her and her boyfriend( she’d never met either of them) and told him she had evidence of us fucking at work.

    I will never, ever tolerate any fucking trust issues at all from anyone anymore. Obviously I’m open to discussing things but I’d rather be alone than deal with the bullshit I dealt with her again, nothing Is worth that bullshit.

    So yea, I think my lucky stars she was in fact not fucking pregnant and just her typically lying piece of shit self. That one lie made all the rest of them worth it though, thanks babe.

  12. I have no idea if my first was actually crazy but we 100% would have had an accidental pregnancy.

    She was a small town Catholic girl/aunt. I was very inexperienced late in life.

    Still friends on social. I was very different from her type which seems to be cartel looking dudes with neck tats 😳

    It was short term because of distance and my anxiety. I got a vasectomy right after we ended because nothing about sex was enjoyable thinking pregnancy could happen. We’d be broke, likely not together, or unhappy if we were forced to be together.

    On an unrelated note, I had a CRAZY hookup years after that who didn’t know I had been snipped. We were using condom and she took it off and locked her legs so I could nut in her. She was horrible on our dates. I was dumb but grateful AF for my operation lol

  13. Know a guy who did exactly that. Many years and tens of thousands in legal fees later, He’ll be off probation soon for **being a dv victim.** This guy could write books on that psychotic woman’s shenanigan’s. We’re talking tracking devices on his car, drugging him with GHB on the regular (he found it in her things after Months of suspicion), bringing other men around specifically to instigate fights between him and them, hiding their young son from him at a trap house with well armed inhabitants to force him to give her money… it goes on and this isn’t the hardest stuff to process. He did seek help from the pd and cps. She has family and friends in both places and the judge overseeing their case goes to the same church as the woman so it’s an extremely messed up situation. I wish I was making this up and I wouldn’t have believed half of what he told me (it really comes off like genuine paranoia being told first hand) but I’ve witnessed it. Be careful where you release your boneless babies, sirs.

  14. I know myself well enough to know parenthood would make me miserable, so… I’d be pretty miserable.

    I had the foresight to get a vasectomy, so I can now spend the rest of my life never having to worry about that.

  15. Wouldn’t trade my V-card for something like this and the throne of world emperor

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