I cant find anything online about this so im stating my worries here. So when we try to have long session of sex at some point my wifes vagina starts to really loosen up,and tbis sucks because when that happens it starts to not feel like much. When this happens i either just cant climax no matter what or i go soft due to not enough stimulation. I have no issuew when i try to cum l quickly, its just when we try to have longer sessions.
Is there anything we can do to keep her vagina from loosening like that, apparantly it happens when a women gets really turned on for awhile but i dont get why it would be like that that seems so counter productive, it would make sensw if the vagina tightened up during sex to increase arpusel for both partners.

  1. When women get aroused the vagina lengthens. It’s normal for that to happen. Nothing is wrong with her vagina.

  2. There are 2 aspects to that. Too many orgasms puts her in a relaxed state. After a while, her pussy will take on the shape of your cock so rather than extended internal sessions, try to mix things up.

    When you feel her like that, take a moment, take a breather, both of you get some water then start again. The vaginally muscles are soft muscles much like the sphincter which, if you notice, when the sphincter gets stretched, it stays that way for a bit before it relaxes back to shape.

    Just try to take small breaks between sessions

  3. If we got very tight during sex we might get tight enough that penetration hurts us. It makes sense for us to be both relaxed and aroused.

    What you’re going through right now is the flip side of the frustration we feel about the fact that men get orgasmic pleasure from penetrating us but we usually get orgasmic pleasure from our external clit, which men can simply ignore while penetrating us. Biology sucks and wasn’t designed with pleasure in mind.

  4. Perhaps changing positions or less penetrative sex. If your sessions are quite long you might enjoy piv sex to start but then once she becomes too aroused you might enjoy other sexual acts to finish.

  5. Different positions can improve sensation. I find doggy really helps me finish when I have similar sensations.

  6. She is opening up because she is aroused. I say talk to her about it and be open to the idea of getting a girth extender/sleeve – not because you’re too small but to extend your pleasure. Talk to her and see if she’d be open to it and make sure that she’s also having fun

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