When people ask why kind of music I listen to they think I’m lying and ask why don’t you want to tell us? But I really only just listen to documentaries, news story’s, or basically just any YouTube video. I have YouTube premium so I can play it in the background.
The music I would and have listen to would he anything except the uh punk rock thing idk what it’s called and rod wave
What does this say ab me ?
No one say I’m on the spectrum I’m not

  1. Yea it’s just not my thing, like it’s impossible to avoid listening to music but I never actively listen to any. So to me it’s not unusual at all

  2. This was me for around 20 years until Spotify became a thing. I turned on the radio and my hobbies were mainly just video games and reading. Now in into metal so it’s really awkward when ppl drag me to do karaoke (and I do go to practice getting out of my comfort zone) and know none of the popular songs lol.

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